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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Adopt Graph (Plumbing) for complex task definition in RestBot
(use 'plumbing.core)
(require '[plumbing.graph :as graph])
(use '[restbot core utils])
(defn- make-task-graph
[specs serverSym authSym]
(reduce merge
(for [[specKey specParam specBody] (partition 3 specs)]
{specKey (cons 'fnk
(list (conj specParam serverSym authSym)
(list 'do! (list specBody
:server-url (list :url serverSym))
:cookies (if-not (nil? authSym) (list :cookies authSym)))))})))
(defmacro def-graph
[graphName & specs]
(let [server# (gensym 'server)
auth# (gensym 'auth)
no-op# (fn [])
tasks (make-task-graph specs server# auth#)
taskGraph (-> tasks
(assoc (keyword auth#) `(fnk [] (~no-op#)))
(with-meta {:auth-step (keyword auth#)
:server-key (keyword server#)}))]
(def ~graphName
(defn- extract-auth-step
(condp = (get-in server [:auth :type])
:cookies (get-in server [:auth :req])
(defn exec!
[server taskGraph]
(let [serverUrl (server :url)
authStepKey ((meta taskGraph) :auth-step)
serverKey ((meta taskGraph) :server-key)
execGraph (if-let [auth-step (extract-auth-step server)]
(assoc taskGraph authStepKey (fnk [] (do! (auth-step :server-url serverUrl))))
(into {} ((graph/compile execGraph) {serverKey server}))))
(def-server github "")
(def-api starred :GET "/users/{user}/starred")
(def-graph test-gh
:starred [] (starred))
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