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Created February 10, 2022 11:45
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bilateral_slice for TorchScript
import torch
import numpy as np
def lerp_weight(x, xs):
"""Linear interpolation weight from a sample at x to xs.
Returns the linear interpolation weight of a "query point" at coordinate `x`
with respect to a "sample" at coordinate `xs`.
The integer coordinates `x` are at pixel centers.
The floating point coordinates `xs` are at pixel edges.
(OpenGL convention).
x: "Query" point position.
xs: "Sample" position.
- 1 when x = xs.
- 0 when |x - xs| > 1.
dx = x - xs
abs_dx = abs(dx)
return torch.maximum(torch.tensor(1.0).to(x.device) - abs_dx, torch.tensor(0.0).to(x.device))
def smoothed_abs(x, eps):
"""A smoothed version of |x| with improved numerical stability."""
return torch.sqrt(torch.multiply(x, x) + eps)
def smoothed_lerp_weight(x, xs):
"""Smoothed version of `LerpWeight` with gradients more suitable for backprop.
Let f(x, xs) = LerpWeight(x, xs)
= max(1 - |x - xs|, 0)
= max(1 - |dx|, 0)
f is not smooth when:
- |dx| is close to 0. We smooth this by replacing |dx| with
SmoothedAbs(dx, eps) = sqrt(dx * dx + eps), which has derivative
dx / sqrt(dx * dx + eps).
- |dx| = 1. When smoothed, this happens when dx = sqrt(1 - eps). Like ReLU,
We just ignore this (in the implementation below, when the floats are
exactly equal, we choose the SmoothedAbsGrad path since it is more useful
than returning a 0 gradient).
x: "Query" point position.
xs: "Sample" position.
eps: a small number.
max(1 - |dx|, 0) where |dx| is smoothed_abs(dx).
eps = torch.tensor(1e-8).to(torch.float32).to(x.device)
dx = x - xs
abs_dx = smoothed_abs(dx, eps)
return torch.maximum(torch.tensor(1.0).to(x.device) - abs_dx, torch.tensor(0.0).to(x.device))
def _bilateral_slice(grid, guide):
"""Slices a bilateral grid using the a guide image.
grid: The bilateral grid with shape (gh, gw, gd, gc).
guide: A guide image with shape (h, w). Values must be in the range [0, 1].
sliced: An image with shape (h, w, gc), computed by trilinearly
interpolating for each grid channel c the grid at 3D position
[(i + 0.5) * gh / h,
(j + 0.5) * gw / w,
guide(i, j) * gd]
ii, jj = torch.meshgrid(
[torch.arange(guide.shape[0]), torch.arange(guide.shape[1])])#, indexing='ij')
scale_i = grid.shape[0] / guide.shape[0]
scale_j = grid.shape[1] / guide.shape[1]
gif = (ii + 0.5) * scale_i
gjf = (jj + 0.5) * scale_j
gkf = guide * grid.shape[2]
# Compute trilinear interpolation weights without clamping.
gi0 = torch.floor(gif - 0.5).to(torch.int32)
gj0 = torch.floor(gjf - 0.5).to(torch.int32)
gk0 = torch.floor(gkf - 0.5).to(torch.int32)
gi1 = gi0 + 1
gj1 = gj0 + 1
gk1 = gk0 + 1
wi0 = lerp_weight(gi0 + 0.5, gif)
wi1 = lerp_weight(gi1 + 0.5, gif)
wj0 = lerp_weight(gj0 + 0.5, gjf)
wj1 = lerp_weight(gj1 + 0.5, gjf)
wk0 = smoothed_lerp_weight(gk0 + 0.5, gkf)
wk1 = smoothed_lerp_weight(gk1 + 0.5, gkf)
w_000 = wi0 * wj0 * wk0
w_001 = wi0 * wj0 * wk1
w_010 = wi0 * wj1 * wk0
w_011 = wi0 * wj1 * wk1
w_100 = wi1 * wj0 * wk0
w_101 = wi1 * wj0 * wk1
w_110 = wi1 * wj1 * wk0
w_111 = wi1 * wj1 * wk1
# But clip when indexing into `grid`.
gi0c = gi0.clip(0, grid.shape[0] - 1).to(torch.long)
gj0c = gj0.clip(0, grid.shape[1] - 1).to(torch.long)
gk0c = gk0.clip(0, grid.shape[2] - 1).to(torch.long)
gi1c = (gi0 + 1).clip(0, grid.shape[0] - 1).to(torch.long)
gj1c = (gj0 + 1).clip(0, grid.shape[1] - 1).to(torch.long)
gk1c = (gk0 + 1).clip(0, grid.shape[2] - 1).to(torch.long)
# ijk: 0 means floor, 1 means ceil.
grid_val_000 = grid[gi0c, gj0c, gk0c, :]
grid_val_001 = grid[gi0c, gj0c, gk1c, :]
grid_val_010 = grid[gi0c, gj1c, gk0c, :]
grid_val_011 = grid[gi0c, gj1c, gk1c, :]
grid_val_100 = grid[gi1c, gj0c, gk0c, :]
grid_val_101 = grid[gi1c, gj0c, gk1c, :]
grid_val_110 = grid[gi1c, gj1c, gk0c, :]
grid_val_111 = grid[gi1c, gj1c, gk1c, :]
# Append a singleton "channels" dimension.
w_000, w_001, w_010, w_011, w_100, w_101, w_110, w_111 = torch.atleast_3d(
w_000, w_001, w_010, w_011, w_100, w_101, w_110, w_111)
# TODO(jiawen): Cache intermediates and pass them in.
# Just pass out w_ijk and the same ones multiplied by by dwk.
return (torch.multiply(w_000, grid_val_000) +
torch.multiply(w_001, grid_val_001) +
torch.multiply(w_010, grid_val_010) +
torch.multiply(w_011, grid_val_011) +
torch.multiply(w_100, grid_val_100) +
torch.multiply(w_101, grid_val_101) +
torch.multiply(w_110, grid_val_110) +
torch.multiply(w_111, grid_val_111))
def bilateral_slice(grid, guide):
return _bilateral_slice(grid, guide)
# grid: The bilateral grid with shape (gh, gw, gd, gc).
# guide: A guide image with shape (h, w). Values must be in the range [0, 1].
grid = torch.rand(3,3,4,4)
guide = torch.rand(16,16)
traced_bar = torch.jit.trace(
bilateral_slice, (grid, guide))
print(traced_bar(grid, guide))
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