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Created May 23, 2021 15:05
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from .blocks import Block, Tx, Input, Output
from .verifiers import TxVerifier, BlockOutOfChain, BlockVerifier, BlockVerificationFailed
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('Blockchain')
class Blockchain:
__slots__ = 'max_nonce', 'chain', 'unconfirmed_transactions', 'db', 'wallet', 'on_new_block', 'on_prev_block', 'current_block_transactions', 'fork_blocks'
def __init__(self, db, wallet, on_new_block=None, on_prev_block=None):
self.max_nonce = 2**32
self.db = db
self.wallet = wallet
self.on_new_block = on_new_block
self.on_prev_block = on_prev_block
self.unconfirmed_transactions = set()
self.current_block_transactions = set()
self.chain = []
self.fork_blocks = {}
def create_first_block(self):
Creating first block in a chain. Only COINBASE Tx.
tx = self.create_coinbase_tx()
block = Block([tx], 0, 0x0)
def create_coinbase_tx(self, fee=0):
inp = Input('COINBASE',0,self.wallet.address,0)
out = Output(self.wallet.address, self.db.config['mining_reward']+fee, 0)
return Tx([inp],[out])
def is_valid_block(self, block):
bv = BlockVerifier(self.db)
return bv.verify(self.head, block)
def add_block(self, block):
if self.head and block.hash() == self.head.hash():
logger.error('Duplicate block')
return False
except BlockOutOfChain:
# Here we covering split brain case only for next 2 leves of blocks
# with high difficulty its a rare case, and more then 2 level much more rare.
if block.prev_hash == self.head.prev_hash:
logger.error('Split Brain detected')
self.fork_blocks[block.hash()] = block
return False
for b_hash, b in self.fork_blocks.items():
if block.prev_hash == b_hash:
logger.error('Split Brain fixed. Longer chain choosen')
self.fork_blocks = {}
return True
logger.error('Second Split Brain detected. Not programmed to fix this')
return False
except BlockVerificationFailed as e:
logger.error('Block verification failed: %s' % e)
return False
self.fork_blocks = {}' Block added')
return True
logger.error('Hard chain out of sync')
def add_tx(self, tx):
if self.db.transaction_by_hash.get(tx.hash):
return False
tv = TxVerifier(self.db)
fee = tv.verify(tx.inputs, tx.outputs)
self.db.transaction_by_hash[tx.hash] = tx.as_dict
self.unconfirmed_transactions.add((fee, tx.hash))
return True
def force_block(self, check_stop=None):
Forcing to mine block. Gthering all txs with some limit. First take Txs with bigger fee.
txs = sorted(self.unconfirmed_transactions, key=lambda x:-x[0])[:self.db.config['txs_per_block']]
self.current_block_transactions = set(txs)
fee = sum([v[0] for v in txs])
txs = [Tx.from_dict(self.db.transaction_by_hash[v[1]]) for v in txs ]
block = Block(
txs=[self.create_coinbase_tx(fee)] + txs,
self.mine_block(block, check_stop)
def rollover_block(self, block):
As we use some sort of DB, we need way to update it depends we need add block or remove.
So we have 2 methods Rollover and Rollback.
Also i added some sort of callback in case some additional functionality should be added on top.
For example some Blockchain analytic DB.
self.unconfirmed_transactions -= self.current_block_transactions
self.db.block_index = block.index
for tx in block.txs:
self.db.transaction_by_hash[tx.hash] = tx.as_dict
for out in tx.outputs:
self.db.unspent_outputs_amount[str(out.address)][out.hash] = int(out.amount)
for inp in tx.inputs:
if inp.prev_tx_hash == 'COINBASE':
prev_out = self.db.transaction_by_hash[inp.prev_tx_hash]['outputs'][inp.output_index]
del self.db.unspent_outputs_amount[prev_out['address']][prev_out['hash']]
if self.on_new_block:
self.on_new_block(block, self.db)
self.current_block_transactions = set()
def rollback_block(self):
block = self.chain.pop()
self.db.block_index -= 1
total_amount_in = 0
total_amount_out = 0
for tx in block.txs:
# removing new unspent outputs
for out in tx.outputs:
del self.db.unspent_outputs_amount[str(out.address)][out.hash]
total_amount_out += out.amount
# adding back previous unspent outputs
for inp in tx.inputs:
if inp.prev_tx_hash == 'COINBASE':
prev_out = self.db.transaction_by_hash[inp.prev_tx_hash]['outputs'][inp.output_index]
self.db.unspent_outputs_amount[prev_out['address']][prev_out['hash']] = prev_out['amount']
total_amount_in += int(prev_out['amount'])
# adding Tx back un unprocessed stack
fee = total_amount_in - total_amount_out
if self.on_prev_block:
self.on_prev_block(block, self.db)
def mine_block(self, block, check_stop=None):
Mine a block with ability to stop in case if check callback return True
for n in range(self.max_nonce):
if check_stop and check_stop():
logger.error('Mining interrupted.')
if int(block.hash(nonce=n), 16) <= (2 ** (256-self.db.config['difficulty'])):
self.rollover_block(block)' Block mined at nonce: %s' % n)
def head(self):
if not self.chain:
return None
return self.chain[-1]
def blockchain(self):
return [el.as_dict for el in reversed(self.chain)]
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