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Created January 9, 2016 21:09
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Creating a gif screencast
# Requirements:
# * xwininfo
# * recordmydesktop
# * mplayer
# * imagemagick
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <gif-file>"
mkdir "${jpgs}" || exit
echo "Click on the window you want to record!"
echo "Recording will start exactly one second after you click the window."
echo "Press Alt-Ctl-s to stop recording."
winid=`xwininfo | sed -n 's/xwininfo: Window id: \([0-9a-fx]\+\) .*/\1/p'`
recordmydesktop --overwrite --delay 1 -windowid $winid --fps 18 --no-sound -o "${gif}.ogv"
mplayer -ao null "${gif}.ogv" -vo jpeg:outdir="${jpgs}"
last=`ls "${jpgs}"/0*.jpg | tail -n 1`
convert -delay 10 "${jpgs}/0*.jpg" -fuzz 2% -layers Optimize -delay 300 "$last" "$gif"
rm -r ${jpgs}
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