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Last active December 13, 2018 14:43
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# Originally authored by
# To activate you have to save this to a file and add:
# source /path/to/these/git-shortcuts
# to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc depending on which shell you're using.
GIT="command git"
# Detect shells (like zsh) that do not split variables into arguments
# Avoid conflicts with preset aliases as done by e.g. oh-my-zsh
unalias gcm 2>/dev/null
unalias gcf 2>/dev/null
unalias gcb 2>/dev/null
alias ga="$GIT add"
alias gap="$GIT add -p"
alias gau="$GIT add -u"
alias gb="$GIT branch"
alias gB="$GIT branch -f"
alias gbd="$GIT branch -d"
alias gbD="$GIT branch -D"
alias gbm="$GIT branch -m"
alias gbM="$GIT branch -M"
alias gc="$GIT commit -v"
alias gca="$GIT commit -v --amend"
gcf() {
$GIT commit --fixup=$1
gcm() {
$GIT commit -m "$*"
alias gd="$GIT diff"
alias gdc="$GIT diff --cached"
alias gds="$GIT diff --stat"
alias gdcs="$GIT diff --cached --stat"
gdo() {
$GIT diff origin/$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) "$@"
alias ge="$GIT active"
alias gf="$GIT fetch"
alias gfp="$GIT fetch --prune"
alias gfa="$GIT fetch --all"
gfrm() {
$GIT fetch && $GIT rebase origin/master
gfprm() {
$GIT fetch --prune && $GIT rebase origin/master
alias gg="$GIT grep"
alias gh="$GIT stash"
alias ghd="$GIT stash drop"
alias ghl="$GIT stash list"
alias ghp="$GIT stash pop"
alias ghs="$GIT stash show"
alias gk="$GIT cherry-pick"
alias gka="$GIT cherry-pick --abort"
alias gkc="$GIT cherry-pick --continue"
alias gks="$GIT cherry-pick --skip"
alias gl="$GIT log"
alias glg="$GIT log --graph"
alias glo="$GIT log --oneline"
alias glgo="$GIT log --graph --oneline"
alias glp="$GIT log -p"
alias gn="$GIT clean"
alias gnf="$GIT clean -f"
alias go="$GIT checkout"
alias gob="$GIT checkout -b"
alias goB="$GIT checkout -B"
alias gomb="$GIT checkout origin/master -b"
alias gomB="$GIT checkout origin/master -B"
alias gop="$GIT checkout -p"
alias gp="$GIT push"
alias gpf="$GIT push -f"
alias gph="$GIT push origin HEAD"
alias gphf="$GIT push origin HEAD -f"
alias gphu="$GIT push origin HEAD -u"
alias gphuf="$GIT push origin HEAD -u -f"
alias gpu="$GIT push -u"
alias gpuf="$GIT push -u -f"
alias gq="$GIT pull-request"
alias gr="$GIT rebase"
alias gra="$GIT rebase --abort"
alias grc="$GIT rebase --continue"
alias gri="$GIT rebase -i"
alias grim="$GIT rebase -i origin/master"
alias gro="$GIT rebase --onto"
alias grom="$GIT rebase --onto origin/master"
alias grm="$GIT rebase origin/master"
alias grs="$GIT rebase --skip"
alias gs="$GIT status -sb"
alias gm="$GIT submodule"
alias gma="$GIT submodule add"
alias gmf="$GIT submodule foreach"
alias gmu="$GIT submodule update"
alias gt="$GIT tag"
alias gx="$GIT reset"
alias gxh="$GIT reset --hard"
alias gxk="$GIT reset --keep"
alias gxm="$GIT reset --merge"
alias gxp="$GIT reset -p"
alias gxs="$GIT reset --soft"
gci() {
$GIT commit -nm '(Index)'
gcb() {
$GIT commit -nm '(Index)'
$GIT commit -anm '(Worktree)'
git-last() {
$GIT log --format=%B --max-count=1
gxb() {
if [[ `git-last` = "(Worktree)" ]]
$GIT reset HEAD~
if [[ `git-last` = "(Index)" ]]
$GIT reset --soft HEAD~
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