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Created January 14, 2017 08:03
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Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
from __future__ import print_function
# Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Method
# David Silver et al.
# implemented in plain Keras, by Qin Yongliang
# 2017 01 13
0. s for state, a for action, r for reward,
q for 'action_quality', or expectation of sum of discounted future reward.
1. you have 2 network, Mr. actor and Mr. critic
- Mr. actor generate actions: a = actor(s)
- Mr. critic score (state,action) pairs: q = critic(s,a)
>in literature, Mr. actor is function mu(s), Mr. critic is function Q(s,a)
2. you improve Mr. critic by using Bellman equation, or what they call TD-learning
- Q(s1,a1) := r1 + gamma * Q(s2,a2) where a2 = actor(s2)
- train Mr. critic to predict the calculated Q(s1,a1) given s1 and a1, using gradient descent and MSE loss.
3. after that, improve Mr. actor by gradient ascent w.r.t. Q(s,a)
- a1_maybe = actor(s1), q1_maybe = critic(s1,a1_maybe)
- therefore q1_maybe = critic(s1,actor(s1)). we want to increase q1_maybe!!
- then figure out what is the gradient of actor w.r.t. q1_maybe,
using tf.gradient() or by compositing Keras Models (as I did, to keep things clean)
- then do gradient ascent to increase Mr. actor's actions' q-value
4. to stabilize the whole learning process:
- random sampling of training examples from replay memory
- use 'target' networks that are copy of actor and critic,
their weights gradually shift towards the weights of the real actor and critic
to reduce self-correlation/oscillation (well, if you know control theory)
- add noise to actor's output in the beginning of learning, to turn deterministic actions into probabilistic ones
- that's basically it
5. now go master the game of Gym
personal tricks:
check the Residual Dense Unit, it works!
# gym boilerplate
import numpy as np
import gym
from gym import wrappers
from gym.spaces import Discrete, Box
# keras boilerplate: the simplest way to neural networking
from keras.models import *
from keras.layers import *
from keras.optimizers import *
import keras
from math import *
import random
import keras.backend as K
import time
from collections import deque
# replay buffer per
class rpm(object):
#replay memory
def __init__(self,buffer_size):
self.buffer_size = buffer_size
self.count = 0
self.buffer = deque()
def add(self, tup):
experience = tup
if self.count < self.buffer_size:
self.count += 1
def size(self):
return self.count
def sample_batch(self, batch_size):
batch_size specifies the number of experiences to add
to the batch. If the replay buffer has less than batch_size
elements, simply return all of the elements within the buffer.
Generally, you'll want to wait until the buffer has at least
batch_size elements before beginning to sample from it.
batch = []
if self.count < batch_size:
batch = random.sample(self.buffer, self.count)
batch = random.sample(self.buffer, batch_size)
item_count = len(batch[0])
res = []
for i in range(item_count):
k = np.array([item[i] for item in batch])
if len(k.shape)==1: k = k.reshape(k.shape+(1,))
return res
# residual dense unit
def resdense(features):
def unit(i):
hfeatures = max(4,int(features/4))
ident = i
i = Dense(features,activation='tanh')(i)
ident = Dense(hfeatures)(ident)
ident = Dense(features)(ident)
return merge([ident,i],mode='sum')
return unit
class nnagent(object):
def __init__(self,
discount_factor, # gamma
self.rpm = rpm(1000000) # 1M history
self.observation_stack_factor = 2
self.inputdims = observation_space.shape[0] * self.observation_stack_factor
# assume observation_space is continuous
if isinstance(action_space,Box): # if action space is continuous
low = action_space.low
high = action_space.high
num_of_actions = action_space.shape[0]
self.action_bias = (high+low)/2.
self.action_multiplier = high - self.action_bias
# say high,low -> [2,7], then bias -> 4.5
# mult = 2.5. then [-1,1] multiplies 2.5 + bias 4.5 -> [2,7]
self.is_continuous = True
def clamper(actions):
return np.clip(actions,a_max=action_space.high,a_min=action_space.low)
self.clamper = clamper
num_of_actions = action_space.n
self.action_bias = .5
self.action_multiplier = .5 # map (-1,1) into (0,1)
self.is_continuous = False
self.outputdims = num_of_actions
self.discount_factor = discount_factor
self.optimizer = optimizer
ids,ods = self.inputdims,self.outputdims = self.create_actor_network(ids,ods)
self.critic, self.frozen_critic = self.create_critic_network(ids,ods)
print('inputdims:{}, outputdims:{}'.format(ids,ods))
print('actor network:')
print('critic network:')
# target networks: identical copies of actor and critic
self.actor_target = self.create_actor_network(ids,ods)
self.critic_target, self.frozen_critic_target = self.create_critic_network(ids,ods)
# now the dirty part: the actor trainer --------------------------------
# explaination of this part is written in the train() method
s_given = Input(shape=(self.inputdims,))
a1_maybe =
q1_maybe = self.frozen_critic([s_given,a1_maybe])
# frozen weight version of critic. so we can train only the actor
actor_trainer = Model(input=s_given,output=q1_maybe)
# use negative of q1_maybe as loss (so we can maximize q by minimizing the loss)
def neg_q1(y_true,y_pred):
return - y_pred # neat!
self.actor_trainer = actor_trainer
# dirty part ended -----------------------------------------------------
# (gradually) replace target network weights with online network weights
def replace_weights(self,tau=0.002):
theta_a,theta_c =,self.critic.get_weights()
theta_a_targ,theta_c_targ = self.actor_target.get_weights(),self.critic_target.get_weights()
# mixing factor tau : we gradually shift the weights...
theta_a_targ = [theta_a[i]*tau + theta_a_targ[i]*(1-tau) for i in range(len(theta_a))]
theta_c_targ = [theta_c[i]*tau + theta_c_targ[i]*(1-tau) for i in range(len(theta_c))]
# a = actor(s) : predict actions given state
def create_actor_network(self,inputdims,outputdims):
inp = Input(shape=(inputdims,))
i = inp
i = resdense(32)(i)
i = resdense(32)(i)
i = resdense(64)(i)
i = resdense(outputdims)(i)
# map into (0,1)
i = Activation('tanh')(i)
# map into action_space
i = Lambda(lambda x:x * self.action_multiplier + self.action_bias)(i)
out = i
model = Model(input=inp,output=out)
return model
# q = critic(s,a) : predict q given state and action
def create_critic_network(self,inputdims,actiondims):
inp = Input(shape=(inputdims,))
act = Input(shape=(actiondims,))
i = merge([inp,act],mode='concat')
i = resdense(64)(i)
i = resdense(32)(i)
i = resdense(32)(i)
i = resdense(1)(i)
out = i
model = Model(input=[inp,act],output=out)
# now we create a frozen_model,
# that uses the same layers with weights frozen when trained.
for i in model.layers:
i.trainable = False # froze the layers
frozen_model = Model(input=[inp,act],output=out)
return model,frozen_model
def train(self,verbose=1):
memory = self.rpm
critic,frozen_critic = self.critic,self.frozen_critic
actor =
batch_size = 64
if memory.size() > batch_size:
#if enough samples in memory
# sample randomly a minibatch from memory
[s1,a1,r1,isdone,s2] = memory.sample_batch(batch_size)
# print(s1.shape,a1.shape,r1.shape,isdone.shape,s2.shape)
# a2_targ = actor_targ(s2) : what will you do in s2, Mr. old actor?
a2 = self.actor_target.predict(s2)
# q2_targ = critic_targ(s2,a2) : how good is action a2, Mr. old critic?
q2 = self.critic_target.predict([s2,a2])
# if a2 is q2-good, then what should q1 be?
# Use Bellman Equation! (recursive definition of q-values)
# if not last step of episode:
# q1 = (r1 + gamma * q2)
# else:
# q1 = r1
q1_target = r1 + (1-isdone) * self.discount_factor * q2
# print(q1_target.shape)
# train the critic to predict the q1_target, given s1 and a1.[s1,a1],q1_target,
# now the critic can predict more accurate q given s and a.
# thanks to the Bellman equation, and David Silver.
# with a better critic, we can now improve our actor!
if False: # the following part is for explaination purposes
# a1_pred = actor(s1) : what will you do in s1, Mr. actor?
a1_maybe = actor.predict(s1)
# this action may not be optimal. now let's ask the critic.
# what do you think of Mr. actor's action on s1, Mr. better critic?
q1_maybe = critic.predict([s1,a1_maybe])
# what should we do to the actor, to increase q1_maybe?
# well, calculate the gradient of actor parameters
# w.r.t. q1_maybe, then do gradient ascent.
# so let's build a model that trains the actor to output higher q1_maybe values
s_given = Input(shape=(self.inputdims,))
a1_maybe = actor(s_given)
q1_maybe = frozen_critic([s_given,a1_maybe])
# frozen weight version of critic. so we only train the actor
actor_trainer = Model(input=s_given,output=q1_maybe)
# use negative of q1_maybe as loss (so we can maximize q by minimizing the loss)
def neg_q1(y_true,y_pred):
return - y_pred # neat!
else: # the actor_trainer is already initialized in __init__
actor_trainer = self.actor_trainer,
np.zeros((batch_size,1)), # useless target label
# now both the actor and the critic have improved.
# print('# no enough samples, not training')
def feed_one(self,tup):
# gymnastics
def play(self,env,max_steps=-1,realtime=False,render=True,noise_level=0.): # play 1 episode
max_steps = max_steps if max_steps > 0 else 5000
steps = 0
total_reward = 0
# stack a little history to ensure markov property
# LSTM will definitely be used here in the future...
global que # python 2 quirk
que = np.zeros((self.inputdims,),dtype='float32') # list of recent history actions
def quein(observation):
global que # python 2 quirk
length = que.shape[0]
que = np.hstack([que,observation])[-length:]
# what the agent see as state is a stack of history observations.
observation = env.reset()
quein(observation) # quein o1
lastque = que.copy() # s1
while True and steps <= max_steps:
steps +=1
# add noise to our actions, since our policy by nature is deterministic
exploration_noise = np.random.normal(loc=0.,scale=noise_level,size=(self.outputdims,))
action = self.act(lastque) # a1
action += exploration_noise
action = self.clamper(action)
# o2, r1,
observation, reward, done, _info = env.step(action)
# d1
isdone = 1 if done else 0
total_reward += reward
quein(observation) # quein o2
nextque = que.copy() # s2
# feed into replay memory
self.feed_one((lastque,action,reward,isdone,nextque)) # s1,a1,r1,isdone,s2
lastque = nextque
if render and (steps%10==0 or realtime==True): env.render()
if done :
verbose= 2 if steps==1 else 0
print('episode done in',steps,'steps, total reward',total_reward)
# one step of action, given observation
def act(self,observation):
actor =
obs = np.reshape(observation,(1,len(observation)))
actions = actor.predict([obs])[0]
return actions
class playground(object):
def __init__(self,envname):
env = gym.make(envname)
self.env = env
self.monpath = './experiment-'+self.envname
def wrap(self):
from gym import wrappers
self.env = wrappers.Monitor(self.env,self.monpath,force=True)
def up(self):
gym.upload(self.monpath, api_key='sk_ge0PoVXsS6C5ojZ9amTkSA')
p = playground('Pendulum-v0')
e = p.env
agent = nnagent(
def r(ep):
e = p.env
for i in range(ep):
noise_level = max(3e-2,(50.-i)/50.)
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