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Last active September 6, 2023 11:22
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
.do_icon:hover {
filter: drop-shadow(8px 8px 3px grey);
cursor: pointer;
.do_label {
fill: white;
stroke: gray;
font-weight: bold;
.do_label:hover {
cursor: pointer;
<body bgcolor="#fff">
<div id="DevOpsProcess"></div>
chart = (datas) => {
const w = datas[0].radii[0] * 2.2;
var svg = `<svg width="${w}" height="${w}" viewbox="0 0 ${w} ${w}" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="central" style="font: 24px sans-serif">`
datas.forEach(data =>{
const offsets = [];
let total = 0;
for (const {value} of data.segments) {
total += value;
svg +={value, color, label, flip, shortLink}, i) => segment(offsets[i] / total, (offsets[i] + value) / total, data.radii[0], data.radii[1], color, label, flip, shortLink,data.epsilon,data.fontsize, w/2))
const blank = 16
const filled = 105
const DevOpsShortLink = 'XTNNqQ'
return svg+`
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" fill="#00B28F" class="do_icon" onclick="alert('You have clicked the circle.')"/>
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var rotate = 0.35
var margin = 0.004
var i = 0
segment = (start, end, r, r0, color, label, flip , shortLink, epsilon,fontsize, c) => {
if(color== 'rgba(0,0,0,0)') return ''
console.log("segmant", start, end, r, r0, color)
start += margin
end -= margin
const a0 = 2 * Math.PI * (start - rotate);
const a1 = 2 * Math.PI * (end - rotate);
const x0 = Math.cos(a0), y0 = Math.sin(a0);
const x1 = Math.cos(a1), y1 = Math.sin(a1);
const largeArc = end - start > 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
const side = flip ? 'right' : 'left'
const startOffset = flip ? '35' : '35'
const id = "seg" + i++
return `
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M ${c + r0 * x0} ${c + r0 * y0}
A 10 10 0 0 0 ${c + r * x0} ${c + r * y0}
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A 10 10 0 0 1 ${c + r0 * x1} ${c + r0 * y1}
A ${r0} ${r0} 0 ${largeArc} 0 ${c + r0 * x0} ${c + r0 * y0}
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<textPath side="${side}" href="#${id}" startOffset="${startOffset}%">${label}</textPath>
document.getElementById("DevOpsProcess").innerHTML = chart([
segments : [
{value: 60, color: '#00B28F', label: 'Operate', flip :true, shortLink: '2UlNqQ'},
{value: 40, color: '#00B28F', label: 'Plan', flip :false, shortLink: 'brDZqQ'},
{value: 40, color: '#00B28F', label: 'Code', flip :false, shortLink: 'cLDZqQ'},
{value: 50, color: '#00B28F', label: 'Build', flip :false, shortLink: 'crDZqQ'},
{value: 60, color: '#00B28F', label: 'Release', flip :false, shortLink: 'dLDZqQ'},
{value: 50, color: '#00B28F', label: 'Deploy' , flip :true, shortLink: 'drDZqQ'}
radii: [140, 100],
epsilon : 1.155,
fontsize : "1em"
segments : [
{value: 60, color: '#9F52CC', label: 'Observe', flip :false, shortLink: '1ElNqQ'},
radii: [95, 75],
epsilon : 0.8,
fontsize : "0.9em"
segments : [
{value: 60, color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', label: '', flip :true,shortLink: '#'},
{value: 40, color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', label: '', flip :false,shortLink: '#'},
{value: 90, color: '#99172D', label: 'Test', flip :false,shortLink: 'bLDZqQ'},
{value: 60, color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', label: '', flip :false,shortLink: '#'},
{value: 50, color: '#99172D', label: 'Test' , flip :false,shortLink: 'bLDZqQ'}
radii: [70, 55],
epsilon : 1.1,
fontsize : "0.7em"
try {
var myShortLink = document.querySelector('link[rel="shortlink"]').getAttribute("href").split("/x/")[1]
document.getElementsByName("label_"+myShortLink).forEach( (t)=>'black')
} catch(error) {
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