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Last active February 8, 2017 21:47
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;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; see
(with-eval-after-load 'helm-files
;; Let helm support zsh-like path expansion.
(defvar helm-ff-expand-valid-only-p t)
(defvar helm-ff-sort-expansions-p t)
(defvar helm-ff-ignore-case-p t)
(defun helm-ff--generate-case-ignore-pattern (pattern)
(let (head (ci-pattern ""))
(dotimes (i (length pattern) ci-pattern)
(setq head (aref pattern i))
((and (<= head ?z) (>= head ?a))
(setq ci-pattern (format "%s[%c%c]" ci-pattern (upcase head) head)))
((and (<= head ?Z) (>= head ?A))
(setq ci-pattern (format "%s[%c%c]" ci-pattern head (downcase head))))
(setq ci-pattern (format "%s%c" ci-pattern head)))))))
(defun helm-ff-try-expand-fname (candidate)
(let ((dirparts (split-string candidate "/"))
(catch 'break
(while dirparts
(if (file-directory-p (concat valid-dir (car dirparts) "/"))
(setq valid-dir (concat valid-dir (pop dirparts) "/"))
(throw 'break t))))
(setq fnames (cons candidate (helm-ff-try-expand-fname-1 valid-dir dirparts)))
(if helm-ff-sort-expansions-p
(sort fnames
(lambda (f1 f2) (or (file-directory-p f1)
(not (file-directory-p f2)))))
(defun helm-ff-try-expand-fname-1 (parent children)
(if children
(if (equal children '(""))
(and (file-directory-p parent) `(,(concat parent "/")))
(when (file-directory-p parent)
(apply 'nconc
(lambda (f)
(or (helm-ff-try-expand-fname-1 f (cdr children))
(unless helm-ff-expand-valid-only-p
(and (file-directory-p f)
`(,(concat f "/" (mapconcat 'identity
(cdr children)
(directory-files parent t
(concat "^"
(if helm-ff-ignore-case-p
(car children))
(car children))))))))
`(,(concat parent (and (file-directory-p parent) "/")))))
(defun qjp-helm-ff-try-expand-fname (orig-func &rest args)
(let* ((candidate (car args))
(collection (helm-ff-try-expand-fname candidate)))
(if (and (> (length collection) 1)
(not (file-exists-p candidate)))
(when (helm-file-completion-source-p)
(helm-comp-read "Expand Path to: " collection :allow-nest t))))
(apply orig-func args))))
(advice-add 'helm-ff-kill-or-find-buffer-fname :around #'qjp-helm-ff-try-expand-fname))
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