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Created August 21, 2020 20:31
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List all colors available in your terminal or console with VT100 virtual terminal sequences
List all colors available in your terminal with VT100 sequences
from __future__ import print_function
import ctypes
if hasattr(ctypes, 'WinDLL'):
# In some Windows consoles you need to enable support for theses sequences. See:
# Enable VT100 sequences "Console Virtual Terminal Sequences" for colored font/background in the Windows terminal
import ctypes
kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32')
stdOut = kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11)
consoleMode = ctypes.c_ulong()
kernel32.GetConsoleMode(stdOut, ctypes.byref(consoleMode))
consoleMode.value |= 4
kernel32.SetConsoleMode(stdOut, consoleMode)
END = '\033[0m'
BLUE = '\033[96m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
print(UNDERLINE + BLUE + 'All colors:' + END + "\n")
for x in range(0, 50):
s = '%03d: \033[%dm\\033[%dm' + END
print(s % (x, x, x), end="")
x += 50
print("\t\t" + s % (x, x, x), end="")
x += 50
print("\t\t" + s % (x, x, x))
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