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The task of the project was about finding an obfuscated app on the play store, modifying it such that it would notify another app whenever it was opened.

I did not really have a quick way to check wheter an app on the play store was obfuscated or not, so I decided to choose an app that I knew for sure had at least some kind of obfuscation, and that app is Whatsapp Messenger.

The apk for "Whatsapp Messenger" I got is version 2.20.123, x86 architecture (because that's the architecture of the emulator I am currently running)

Finding an injection spot

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am cyanpencil on github.
  • I am cyanpencil ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDW2LLQEdwbp1LdYfWesK4Q53Jg32GZ4E7JZQFz5mj9LQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

cyanpencil /
Last active October 19, 2018 03:38
Cyanpencil's GSOC 2018 Summary: Console Interface Improvements

Cyanpencil's GSOC 2018 Summary: Console Interface Improvements

Graph view of a switch statement


I had a lot of fun spending this summer coding for radare. I learned so many things, and had an amazing experience overall. I am very grateful to my mentors, Xvilka, Pancake and Maijin, they were always present and closely followed me during the entire summer.