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Forked from rouzbeh84/vscode-custom-colors.json
Created June 14, 2018 04:08
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quasi complete list of workspace customization options for vscode
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"activityBar.background": "#00AA00",
"activityBar.background": "", // Activity Bar bgcolor
"activityBar.border": "", // Activity Bar border color with the sidebar
"activityBar.dropBackground": "", // Drag and drop feedback color for the Activity Bar items
"activityBar.foreground": "", // Activity bar fgcolor (i.e. used for the icons)
"activityBarBadge.background": "", // Activity notification badge bgcolor
"activityBarBadge.foreground": "", // Activity notification badge fgcolor
"badge.background": "", // Badge bgcolor
"badge.foreground": "", // Badge fgcolor
"button.background": "", // Button bgcolor
"button.foreground": "", // Button fgcolor
"button.hoverBackground": "", // Button bgcolor when hovering
"contrastActiveBorder": "", // extra border around active elements to separate them from other elements
"contrastBorder": "", // An extra border around elements to separate them from others for greater contrast
"debugExceptionWidget.background": "", // Exception widget bgcolor
"debugExceptionWidget.border": "", // Exception widget border color
"debugToolBar.background": "", // Debug toolbar bgcolor
"diffEditor.insertedTextBackground": "", // bgcolor for inserted text
"diffEditor.insertedTextBorder": "", // Outline color for inserted text
"diffEditor.removedTextBackground": "", // bgcolor for removed text
"diffEditor.removedTextBorder": "", // Outline color for removed text
"dropdown.background": "", // Dropdown bgcolor
"dropdown.border": "", // Dropdown border
"dropdown.foreground": "", // Dropdown fgcolor
"editor.background": "", // Editor bgcolor
"editor.findMatchBackground": "", // Color of the current search match
"editor.findMatchHighlightBackground": "", // Color of the other search matches
"editor.findRangeHighlightBackground": "", // Color the range limiting the search
"editor.foreground": "", // Editor default fgcolor
"editor.hoverHighlightBackground": "", // Highlight below the word for which a hover is shown
"editor.inactiveSelectionBackground": "", // Color of the selection in an inactive editor
"editor.lineHighlightBackground": "", // bgcolor for the highlight of line at the cursor position
"editor.lineHighlightBorder": "", // bgcolor for the border around the line at the cursor position
"editor.rangeHighlightBackground": "", // bgcolor of highlighted ranges, like by Quick Open and Find features
"editor.selectionBackground": "", // Color of the editor selection
"editor.selectionHighlightBackground": "", // Color for regions with the same content as the selection
"editor.wordHighlightBackground": "", // bgcolor of a symbol during read-access, i.e. when reading a variable
"editor.wordHighlightStrongBackground": "", // bgcolor of a symbol during write-access, i.e. when writing to a variable
"editorBracketMatchbackground": "", // bgcolor behind matching brackets
"editorBracketMatchborder": "", // Color for matching brackets boxes
"editorCodeLens.foreground": "", // fgcolor of an editor CodeLens
"editorCursor.foreground": "", // Color of the editor cursor
"editorError.border": "", // Border color of error squigglies in the editor
"editorError.foreground": "", // fgcolor of error squigglies in the editor
"editorGroup.background": "", // bgcolor of an editor group. The bgcolor shows up when editor groups dragged
"editorGroup.border": "", // Color to separate multiple editor groups from each other
"editorGroup.dropBackground": "", // bgcolor when dragging editors around
"editorGroupHeader.noTabsBackground": "", // bgcolor of the editor group title header when Tabs are disabled
"editorGroupHeader.tabsBackground": "", // bgcolor of the Tabs container
"editorGroupHeader.tabsBorder": "", // Border color of the editor group title header when tabs are enabled. Editor groups are the containers of editors
"editorGutter.addedBackground": "", // Editor gutter bgcolor for lines that are added
"editorGutter.background": "", // bgcolor of the editor gutter
"editorGutter.deletedBackground": "", // Editor gutter bgcolor for lines that are deleted
"editorGutter.modifiedBackground": "", // Editor gutter bgcolor for lines that are modified
"editorHoverWidget.background": "", // bgcolor of the editor hover
"editorHoverWidget.border": "", // Border color of the editor hover
"editorIndentGuide.background": "", // Color of the editor indentation guides
"editorLineNumber.foreground": "", // Color of editor line numbers
"editorLink.activeForeground": "", // Color of active links
"editorMarkerNavigation.background": "", // Editor marker navigation widget bgcolor
"editorMarkerNavigationError.background": "", // Editor marker navigation widget error color
"editorMarkerNavigationWarning.background": "", // Editor marker navigation widget warning color
"editorOverviewRuler.addedForeground": "", // Overview ruler marker color for added content
"editorOverviewRuler.border": "", // Color of the overview ruler border
"editorOverviewRuler.commonContentForeground": "", // Common ancestor overview ruler fgcolor for inline merge conflicts
"editorOverviewRuler.currentContentForeground": "", // Current overview ruler fgcolor for inline merge conflicts
"editorOverviewRuler.deletedForeground": "", // Overview ruler marker color for deleted content
"editorOverviewRuler.errorForeground": "", // Overview ruler marker color for errors
"editorOverviewRuler.findMatchForeground": "", // Overview ruler marker color for find matches
"editorOverviewRuler.incomingContentForeground": "", // Incoming overview ruler fgcolor for inline merge conflicts
"editorOverviewRuler.infoForeground": "", // Overview ruler marker color for infos
"editorOverviewRuler.modifiedForeground": "", // Overview ruler marker color for modified content
"editorOverviewRuler.rangeHighlightForeground": "", // Overview ruler marker color for range highlights
"editorOverviewRuler.selectionHighlightForeground": "", // Overview ruler marker color for selection highlights
"editorOverviewRuler.warningForeground": "", // Overview ruler marker color for warnings
"editorOverviewRuler.wordHighlightForeground": "", // Overview ruler marker color for symbol highlights
"editorOverviewRuler.wordHighlightStrongForeground": "", // Overview ruler marker color for write-access symbol highlights
"editorRuler.foreground": "", // Color of the editor rulers
"editorSuggestWidget.background": "", // bgcolor of the suggestion widget
"editorSuggestWidget.border": "", // Border color of the suggestion widget
"editorSuggestWidget.foreground": "", // fgcolor of the suggestion widget
"editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground": "", // Color of the match highlights in the suggestion widget
"editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground": "", // bgcolor of the selected entry in the suggestion widget
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": "#717C96", // COMMENT COLOR
"editorWarning.border": "", // Border color of warning squigglies in the editor
"editorWarning.foreground": "", // fgcolor of warning squigglies in the editor
"editorWhitespace.foreground": "", // Color of whitespace characters in the editor
"editorWidget.background": "", // bgcolor of editor widgets, such as Find/Replace
"editorWidget.border": "", // Border color of the editor widget unless the widget does not contain a border or defines its own border color
"errorForeground": "", // Overall fgcolor for error messages (**Only used if not overridden by a component)
"extensionButton.prominentBackground": "", // Extension view button bgcolor
"extensionButton.prominentForeground": "", // Extension view button fgcolor
"extensionButton.prominentHoverBackground": "", // Extension view button bgcolor hover color
"focusBorder": "", // Overall border color for focused elements. **Only used if not overridden by a component
"foreground": "", // Overall fgcolor **Only used if not overridden by a component
"input.background": "", // Input box bgcolor
"input.border": "", // Input box border
"input.foreground": "", // Input box fgcolor
"input.placeholderForeground": "", // Input box fgcolor for placeholder text
"inputOption.activeBorder": "", // Border color of activated options in input fields
"inputValidation.errorBackground": "", // Input validation bgcolor for error severity
"inputValidation.errorBorder": "", // Input validation border color for error severity
"inputValidation.infoBackground": "", // Input validation bgcolor for information severity
"inputValidation.infoBorder": "", // Input validation border color for information severity
"inputValidation.warningBackground": "", // Input validation bgcolor for information warning
"inputValidation.warningBorder": "", // Input validation border color for warning severity
"list.activeSelectionBackground": "", // List/Tree bgcolor for the selected item when the list/tree is active
"list.activeSelectionForeground": "", // List/Tree fgcolor for the selected item when the list/tree is active
"list.dropBackground": "", // List/Tree drag and drop bgcolor when moving items around using the mouse
"list.focusBackground": "", // List/Tree bgcolor for the focused item when the list/tree is active
"list.focusForeground": "", // List/Tree fgcolor for the focused item when the list/tree is active
"list.highlightForeground": "", // List/Tree fgcolor of the match highlights when searching list/tree
"list.hoverBackground": "", // List/Tree bgcolor when hovering over items using the mouse
"list.hoverForeground": "", // List/Tree fgcolor when hovering over items using the mouse
"list.inactiveSelectionBackground": "", // List/Tree bgcolor for selected item when the list/tree inactive
"list.inactiveSelectionForeground": "", // List/Tree fgcolor for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not
"merge.border": "", // Border color on headers and the splitter in inline merge conflicts
"merge.currentContentBackground": "", // Current content bgcolor in inline merge conflicts
"merge.currentHeaderBackground": "", // Current header bgcolor in inline merge conflicts
"merge.incomingContentBackground": "", // Incoming content bgcolor in inline merge conflicts
"merge.incomingHeaderBackground": "", // Incoming header bgcolor in inline merge conflicts
"notification.background": "", // Notifications bgcolor
"notification.buttonBackground": "", // Notifications button bgcolor
"notification.buttonForeground": "", // Notifications button fgcolor
"notification.buttonHoverBackground": "", // Notifications button hover bgcolor
"notification.errorBackground": "", // Notifications error badge bgcolor
"notification.errorForeground": "", // Notifications error badge fgcolor
"notification.foreground": "", // Notifications fgcolor
"notification.infoBackground": "", // Notifications info badge bgcolor
"notification.infoForeground": "", // Notifications info badge fgcolor
"notification.warningBackground": "", // Notifications warning badge bgcolor
"notification.warningForeground": "", // Notifications warning badge fgcolor
"panel.background": "", // Panel bgcolor
"panel.border": "", // Panel border color on the top separating to the editor
"panelTitle.activeBorder": "", // Border color for the active panel title
"panelTitle.activeForeground": "", // Title color for the active panel
"panelTitle.inactiveForeground": "", // Title color for the inactive panel
"peekView.border": "", // Color of the peek view borders and arrow
"peekViewEditor.background": "", // bgcolor of the peek view editor
"peekViewEditor.matchHighlightBackground": "", // Match highlight color in the peek view editor
"peekViewEditorGutter.background": "", // bgcolor of the gutter in the peek view editor
"peekViewResult.background": "", // bgcolor of the peek view result list
"peekViewResult.fileForeground": "", // fgcolor for file nodes in the peek view result list
"peekViewResult.lineForeground": "", // fgcolor for line nodes in the peek view result list
"peekViewResult.matchHighlightBackground": "", // Match highlight color in the peek view results
"peekViewResult.selectionBackground": "", // bgcolor of the selected entry in the peek view results
"peekViewResult.selectionForeground": "", // fgcolor of the selected entry in the peek view results
"peekViewTitle.background": "", // bgcolor of the peek view title area
"peekViewTitleDescription.foreground": "", // Color of the peek view title info
"peekViewTitleLabel.foreground": "", // Color of the peek view title
"pickerGroup.border": "", // Quick picker (Quick Open) color for grouping borders
"pickerGroup.foreground": "", // Quick picker (Quick Open) color for grouping labels
"progressBar.background": "", // bgcolor of the progress bar shown for long running operations
"scrollbar.shadow": "", // Scroll Bar shadow to indicate that the view is scrolled
"scrollbarSlider.activeBackground": "", // Slider bgcolor when active
"scrollbarSlider.background": "", // Slider bgcolor
"scrollbarSlider.hoverBackground": "", // Slider bgcolor when hovering
"selection.background": "", // bgcolor of text selections in the workbench (for input fields or text areas, does not apply to selections within the editor and the terminal)
"sideBar.background": "", // sidebar bgcolor
"sideBar.border": "", // sidebar border color on the side separating the editor
"sideBar.foreground": "", // sidebar fgcolor
"sideBarSectionHeader.background": "", // sidebar section header bgcolor
"sideBarSectionHeader.foreground": "", // sidebar section header fgcolor
"sideBarTitle.foreground": "", // sidebar title fgcolor
"statusBar.background": "", // Standard Status Bar bgcolor
"statusBar.border": "", // Status Bar border color separating the Status Bar and editor
"statusBar.debuggingBackground": "", // Status Bar bgcolor when a program is being debugged
"statusBar.debuggingBorder": "", // Status Bar border color separating the Status Bar and editor when a program
"statusBar.debuggingForeground": "", // Status Bar fgcolor when a program is being debugged
"statusBar.foreground": "", // Status Bar fgcolor
"statusBar.noFolderBackground": "", // Status Bar bgcolor when no folder is opened
"statusBar.noFolderBorder": "", // Status Bar border color separating the Status Bar and editor
"statusBar.noFolderForeground": "", // Status Bar fgcolor when no folder is opened
"statusBarItem.activeBackground": "", // Status Bar item bgcolor when clicking
"statusBarItem.hoverBackground": "", // Status Bar item bgcolor when hovering
"statusBarItem.prominentBackground": "", // Status Bar prominent items bgcolor
"statusBarItem.prominentHoverBackground": "", // Status Bar prominent items bgcolor when hovering
"tab.activeBackground": "", // Active Tab bgcolor
"tab.activeBorder": "", // Bottom border for the active tab
"tab.activeForeground": "", // Active Tab fgcolor in an active group
"tab.border": "", // Border to separate Tabs from each other
"tab.inactiveBackground": "", // Inactive Tab bgcolor
"tab.inactiveForeground": "", // Inactive Tab fgcolor in an active group
"tab.unfocusedActiveBorder": "", // Bottom border for the active tab in an inactive editor group
"tab.unfocusedActiveForeground": "", // Active tab fgcolor in an inactive editor group
"tab.unfocusedInactiveForeground": "", // Inactive tab fgcolor in an inactive editor group
"terminal.ansiBlack": "", // 'Black' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiBlue": "", // 'Blue' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiBrightBlack": "", // 'BrightBlack' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiBrightBlue": "", // 'BrightBlue' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiBrightCyan": "", // 'BrightCyan' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiBrightGreen": "", // 'BrightGreen' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiBrightMagenta": "", // 'BrightMagenta' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiBrightRed": "", // 'BrightRed' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiBrightWhite": "", // 'BrightWhite' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiBrightYellow": "", // 'BrightYellow' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiCyan": "", // 'Cyan' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiGreen": "", // 'Green' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiMagenta": "", // 'Magenta' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiRed": "", // 'Red' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiWhite": "", // 'White' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.ansiYellow": "", // 'Yellow' ANSI color in the terminal
"terminal.background": "", // The bgcolor of the Integrated Terminal's viewport
"terminal.foreground": "", // The default fgcolor of the Integrated Terminal
"titleBar.activeBackground": "", // Title Bar bgcolor when the window is active
"titleBar.activeForeground": "", // Title Bar fgcolor when the window is active
"titleBar.inactiveBackground": "", // Title Bar bgcolor when the window is inactive
"titleBar.inactiveForeground": "", // Title Bar fgcolor when window inactive
"walkThrough.embeddedEditorBackground": "", // bgcolor for embedded editor on Int Play
"welcomePage.buttonBackground": "", // bgcolor for the buttons on the Welcome page
"welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground": "", // Hover bgcolor for the buttons on the Welcome page
"widget.shadow": "" // Shadow color of widgets such as Find/Replace inside the editor.
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"textMateRules": [
"scope": "keyword",
"settings": { "fontStyle": "bold" }
"scope": "storage",
"settings": { "fontStyle": "bold" }
"scope": "constant.language",
"settings": { "fontStyle": "bold" }
"scope": "support.class.builtin",
"settings": { "fontStyle": "bold" }
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