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Created March 9, 2017 09:28
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This function is for parsing legacy color values. It is based on the WHATWG specs.
function parseColorString($str, $format = 'hex') {
$str = strtolower(trim($str));
// prevent errors for an empty string and ignore 'transparent'
if ($str == '' || $str == 'transparent') {
return false;
// replace nonvalid hex characters with 0
$str = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-f]/u', 0, $str);
// zero-pad the string to the next multiple of 3,
// so it can be split into 3 parts of the same size
$nextMultiple = ceil(strlen($str) / 3) * 3;
$str = str_pad($str, $nextMultiple, 0);
$colorChannels = str_split($str, strlen($str) / 3);
// truncate from left to (rightmost) 8 chars
foreach ($colorChannels as &$channel) {
$channel = substr($channel, -8);
// remove leading zeros equally on all three color channels
while ($colorChannels[0][0] . $colorChannels[1][0] . $colorChannels[2][0] == '000') {
$colorChannels[0] = substr($colorChannels[0], 1);
$colorChannels[1] = substr($colorChannels[1], 1);
$colorChannels[2] = substr($colorChannels[2], 1);
// cut or prepend with zeros until 2 chars long
foreach ($colorChannels as &$channel) {
$channel = str_pad($channel, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
$channel = substr($channel, 0, 2);
switch ($format) {
case '':
return $colorChannels;
case 'rgb':
return vsprintf('rgb(%d, %d, %d)', array_map('hexdec', $colorChannels));
case 'hex':
return vsprintf('#%s%s%s', $colorChannels);
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