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Created April 6, 2013 20:12
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MongoDB geoNear with Irish cities and mongoDB wrapper module MAL
var MAL = require('../../lib/mal').MAL;
// Easy Way: Fire up a local instance of MongoDB
// settings object (username and password are not compulsory)
var dbsettings = {
host: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
db: 'malexamples',
options: {auto_reconnect: true}
var dbManager = new MAL(dbsettings, function(){
//clear the collection
//Irish Cenus 2011 and Others
var cityData = [
city: "Dublin",
province: "Leinster",
pop: 525383,
loc: [
city: "Cork",
province: "Munster",
pop: 118912,
loc: [
city: "Waterford",
province: "Munster",
pop: 46747,
loc: [
city: "Galway",
province: "Connacht",
pop: 75414,
loc: [
city: "Belfast",
province: "Ulster",
pop: 281000,
loc: [
city: "Limerick",
province: "Munster",
pop: 56779,
loc: [
//BULK Insert city Data
dbManager.insert('irishcities',cityData, {safe:false},function(){
dbManager.universalMethod('ensureIndex',['irishcities',{loc:"2d"}, function(err, result){justAfter();}]);
// ******** OR ********
// dbManager.ensureIndex('irishcities',{loc:"2d"}, function(err, result) {
// justAfter();
// });
function justAfter(){
var options = {maxDistance:2, num:2};
console.log('City of ',result.results);
- num {Number}, max number of results to return.
- maxDistance {Number}, include results up to maxDistance from the point.
- distanceMultiplier {Number}, include a value to multiply the distances with allowing for range conversions.
- query {Object}, filter the results by a query.
- spherical {Boolean, default:false}, perform query using a spherical model.
- uniqueDocs {Boolean, default:false}, the closest location in a document to the center of the search region will always be returned MongoDB > 2.X.
- includeLocs {Boolean, default:false}, include the location data fields in the top level of the results MongoDB > 2.X.
- readPreference {String}, the preferred read preference ((Server.PRIMARY, Server.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, Server.SECONDARY, Server.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, Server.NEAREST).*/
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