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Created June 15, 2016 21:19
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gulp auto translate
'use strict';
var request = require('request');
var async = require('async');
var htmlparser = require("htmlparser2");
var util = require('util');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
* Because we use FREE Yandex Translate api,
* the code of auto translator can be changed sometimes.
// Yandex Translate API String
var YandexApiString = "";
* Translator class
* @constructor
function Translator() {
// Basic object, which will be contains translation objects by category
this.cursor = {};
// Additional object representing .JSON language files by category
this.languageCursor = {};
// Cursor for parser data
this.parserCursor = [];
// Content of current file
this.fileContent = '';
// Name of current file
this.fileName = '';
// Temp of file content
this.buffer = '';
// Parser
this.parser = null;
// Regular expressions
this.regexp = {};
this.regexp.languageAlphabet = {
"en": /[A-z]/,
"ru": /[А-я]/,
"es": /[a-zA-ZáéíñóúüÁÉÍÑÓÚÜ]/,
"de": /[a-zA-ZäöüßÄÖÜẞ]/,
"fr": /[a-zA-ZàâäôéèëêïîçùûüÿæœÀÂÄÔÉÈËÊÏΟÇÙÛÜÆŒ]/,
"it": /[a-zA-ZàèéìíîòóùúÀÈÉÌÍÎÒÓÙÚ]/,
"pl": /[a-pr-uwy-zA-PR-UWY-ZąćęłńóśźżĄĆĘŁŃÓŚŹŻ]/
this.regexp.allLetters = /\w/;
this.regexp.codeRegexp = /#CODE#/;
this.regexp.translateRegexp = /#TRANSLATE#/;
this.regexp.notLetters = /[\+\-\.\,\!@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\;\\\/\|\<\>\"\']/g;
* Parse html. By default we work with
* HTML, but in future we are planning
* create parser for jade.
* @param callback
function isSpecialCharacter(str) {
var is = false;
var aa = str.replace(/\s+/g, '');
if (aa === ':' || aa === '*' || aa === '.' || aa === ';') {
is = true;
if (aa === '**' || aa === '***') {
is = true;
return is;
Translator.prototype.parse = function (callback) {
var _this = this;
// Create new parser
this.parser = new htmlparser.Parser();
// When parser meets text content (innerHTML or text between two nested tags)
this.parser.ontext = function (text) {
// Add new item to parser cursor if
// in the text exists at least one letter of alphabet
try {
var languageAlphabet = _this.regexp.languageAlphabet[_this.options.fromLanguage] || this.regexp.allLetters;
} catch (e) {
if (languageAlphabet.test(text)) {
if (text.indexOf('{{') === -1) {
_this.parserCursor.push({text: text, start: this._tokenizer._sectionStart, end: this._tokenizer._index})
else {
var countAA = (text.match(/{{/g) || []).length;
var textToParse = text;
for (var i = 0; i < countAA; i++) {
var iText = text.split('{{')[i];
console.log('just the text');
if (iText.length >= 1 && iText.indexOf('}}') === -1) {
var lengts = iText.length;
var start = this._tokenizer._sectionStart + textToParse.indexOf(iText);
var end = start + lengts;
if (lengts > 1 && !isSpecialCharacter(iText)) {
_this.parserCursor.push({text: iText, start: start, end: end})
iText = text.split('}}')[i + 1];
iText = iText.split('{{')[0];
console.log('just the text2');
if (iText.length >= 1) {
var lengts = iText.length;
var start = this._tokenizer._sectionStart + textToParse.indexOf(iText);
var end = start + lengts;
if (lengts > 1 && !isSpecialCharacter(iText)) {
_this.parserCursor.push({text: iText, start: start, end: end})
// Handle errors
this.parser.onerror = function (error) {
// Invoke callback when parsing will be finish
this.parser.onend = function () {
// Parse complete HTML file (not stream)
* Translate found phrases
* Currently we use Yandex Translate Api, because it is free now.
* @param callback
Translator.prototype.translate = function (callback) {
// Iterate all of parsed expression asynchronously.
async.forEach(this.parserCursor, function (item, parserCallback) {
if (!this.options.translate) callback('You need to setup translations config. See more details on official plugin page.');
// Iterate language Keys and translate parsed phrases by them.
async.each(Object.keys(this.options.translate), function (langKey, langCallback) {
if (this.options.yandexApiKey) this.yandexTranslate(item, langKey, function (err) {
if (err) langCallback(err);
}.bind(this), function (err) {
if (err) parserCallback(err);
}.bind(this), function (err) {
if (err) callback(err);
* Translate by Yandex Api
* @param item - parser cursor item
* @param langKey - current lang key, for example enUS, ruRU
* @param callback - it will be invoked when a translator api will reply.
Translator.prototype.yandexTranslate = function (item, langKey, callback) {
// Now! Time to translate our match word(s)
var toLanguage = this.options.translate[langKey];
this.cursor[langKey] = this.cursor[langKey] || [];
// Find the translation direction
var translateDirection = this.options.fromLanguage != toLanguage ? this.options.fromLanguage + '-' + toLanguage : false;
if (translateDirection) {
// Make string to a request
var url = util.format(YandexApiString, this.options.yandexApiKey, translateDirection, encodeURIComponent(item.text));
// Request for the Yandex API
request(url, function (err, response, body) {
if (err || response.statusCode != 200) {
callback(err || response.statusCode)
var data = JSON.parse(body);
// Add cursor item
original: item.text,
translate: data.text,
from: this.options.fromLanguage,
to: toLanguage,
parse: item
} else {
// If direction of translation for instance
// en-en then we don't have a need to translate it.
var translate = [];
original: item.text,
translate: translate,
from: this.options.fromLanguage,
to: toLanguage,
parse: item
* Replace \ make codes for language files.
* @param callback
Translator.prototype.replace = function (callback) {
var translateCode = this.getTranslateCode(this.options.fromLanguage);
this.languageCursor[translateCode] = this.languageCursor[translateCode] || {};
// First we need to sort array by entries in original content of file.
// Iterate all of cursor item by fromLanguage code
var start = 0;
if (!translateCode) callback('You need to setup translations config. See more details on official plugin page.');
// Iterate cursor
this.cursor[translateCode].forEach(function (item) {
var translate = this.getTranslateCode('en') ? this.getCursorItemByOriginal(this.getTranslateCode('en'), item.original).translate[0] : item.translate[0];
// Create code
var code = translate.trim()
.replace(this.regexp.notLetters, '')
.split(' ').splice(0, 3).join('')
.substr(0, 20).toUpperCase();
if (this.options.fileNamePrefix) code += '_' + this.fileName;
// Replacement
if (this.options.replacement) {
var replacement = null;
// Define replacement
if (this.regexp.codeRegexp.test(this.options.replacement)) replacement = this.options.replacement.replace('#CODE#', code);
if (this.regexp.translateRegexp.test(this.options.replacement)) replacement = this.options.replacement.replace('#TRANSLATE#', code);
if (!replacement) callback('You should set in your replacement string one of next codes: #CODE#, #TRANSLATE#');
// Deal with it!
this.buffer += this.fileContent.substring(start, item.parse.start) + replacement;
start = item.parse.end;
this.language(item, code, translateCode);
this.buffer += this.fileContent.substring(start);
// Final actions
* Create items for language cursor. It is representation of future language files.
* @param item - cursor item.
* @param code - it's appropriate for current item language code (like "MYNEWCODE_FILENAME")
* @param langCode - language code it is code of current language (en,ru,es, etc)
Translator.prototype.language = function (item, code, langCode) {
// Language cursor (it is representation of future language file)
this.languageCursor[langCode][code] = item.translate[0] || 'Something gone wrong! If you see this message you should checkout your language file.';
// Set Another translations in language cursor.
Object.keys(this.options.translate).forEach(function (langKey) {
if (langKey != langCode) {
this.languageCursor[langKey] = this.languageCursor[langKey] || {};
// Because of async translation we should find appropriate item
// from another language set of cursor
var aItem = this.getCursorItemByOriginal(langKey, item.original);
this.languageCursor[langKey][code] = aItem.translate[0] || 'Something gone wrong! If you see this message you should checkout your language file.';
* Save language files using language cursor
* @returns {*}
Translator.prototype.saveLanguageFiles = function (callback) {
if (!this.options.path || !fs.existsSync(this.options.path)) callback('You should set path to directory, which will be save all language files. And! This path should exists.');
// Get All language keys
Object.keys(this.options.translate).forEach(function (langKey) {
// Generate language file path
var filePath = this.options.path + langKey + '.json';
var fileContent = '';
// Create\open language file
if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
fs.openSync(filePath, 'w');
fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
else fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
fileContent = fileContent.toString('utf-8');
// Turn it into object to work with it.
var languageData = {};
if (!this.isEmptyString(fileContent))
try {
languageData = JSON.parse(fileContent);
} catch (e) {
// Set all of new language item in language file representation.
if (this.languageCursor[langKey]) {
Object.keys(this.languageCursor[langKey]).forEach(function (code) {
var translation = this.languageCursor[langKey][code];
if (!languageData[code]) languageData[code] = translation;
// Save file
fs.writeFile(filePath, JSON.stringify(languageData, null, '\t'));
* Save content of the file. It is available for the
* current file or new created file.
Translator.prototype.saveContent = function () {
// If we on this function GAT will create new file,
// else it will replacement in current file.
if (this.options.createNewFile) {
var newPath = path.dirname(this.path) + '/' + path.basename(this.path, path.extname(this.path)) + '_translated' + path.extname(this.path);
fs.writeFile(newPath, this.buffer);
else {
fs.writeFile(this.path, this.buffer);
* Get translate code by lamguage Code.
* @param langCode - language code it is code of current language (en,ru,es, etc)
* @returns {*}
Translator.prototype.getTranslateCode = function (langCode) {
var code = null;
if (!this.options.translate) {
console.error('You need to setup translations config. See more details on official plugin page.');
return false;
Object.keys(this.options.translate).forEach(function (key) {
var value = this.options.translate[key];
if (langCode == value) code = key;
return code;
* Find item by originals
* @param langKey - language Key - enUS,ruRU
* @param original - original text of found phrase
* @returns {*}
Translator.prototype.getCursorItemByOriginal = function (langKey, original) {
var result = {};
this.cursor[langKey].forEach(function (item) {
if (item.original == original) result = item;
return result;
* Checkout empty string
* @param string
* @returns {boolean}
Translator.prototype.isEmptyString = function (string) {
return (string === null || string === "null" || string.length < 1);
module.exports = Translator;
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