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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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package com.danosipov.example
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.Date
import cascading.tuple.Fields
import com.twitter.algebird.Aggregator.{prepareMonoid => sumAfter}
import com.twitter.algebird.{HLL, HyperLogLog, HyperLogLogMonoid}
import com.twitter.bijection.{AbstractBijection, Bijection, Injection}
import com.twitter.scalding._
import com.twitter.scalding.avro.PackedAvroSource
* Pipeline job that uses Avro checkpoints to keep aggregating counts across runs.
* Approximate set called HyperLogLog is used as an approximation for the aggregations.
* Furthermore, the sample shows how it can be serialized to Avro.
class PipelineJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
import TDsl._ // Needed to support conversion to TypedPipe
type UserID = String
val inputPath = args("input")
val outputPath = args("output")
val avroSource = args("avro_input")
val avroSink = args("avro_output")
// A "Bijection" from HyperLogLog to bytes.
// This implicit variable tells Scalding how to translate from a HyperLogLog
// object and array of bytes, and back.
implicit val hll2Bytes: Bijection[HLL, Array[Byte]] =
new AbstractBijection[HLL, Array[Byte]] {
def apply(h: HLL) = HyperLogLog.toBytes(h)
override def invert(in: Array[Byte]) = HyperLogLog.fromBytes(in)
implicit val hll = new HyperLogLogMonoid(16) // 16 byte HyperLogLog monoid instance
val newInteractions = TypedPipe.from(TextLine(inputPath))
.map { line =>
val splitLine = line.split("\t")
(new Date(splitLine(0).toLong), splitLine(1), splitLine(2))
.groupBy(_._2) // Group by primary User ID
.mapValues(i => hll(i._3.getBytes("UTF-8"))) // Make the values of the group the ID interacted with, inserted into a HyperLogLog
val avroInteractions = PackedAvroSource[Interaction](avroSource)
.mapTo(Fields.FIRST -> ('user, 'interactions)) { i: Interaction =>
// Field.FIRST is a workaround for an issue, where the field is named 'Interaction in actual run,
// but is indexed in test (at least the way the test is written). Since we
// expect only one object in the source anyway, Fields.FIRST is a nice compromise.
val hll = Injection.invert[HLL, Array[Byte]](i.getInteractions.array())
(i.getUserid, hll.get)
.toTypedPipe[(String, HLL)]('user, 'interactions)
.groupBy(_._1) // Group by User
.aggregate(sumAfter(_._2)) // Aggregate the HyperLogLogs into one
val interactions = avroInteractions.outerJoin(newInteractions).mapValues {
// Outer Join produces a tuple of two options in the values
// This partial function produces a single value by merging them
case (None, None) =>
case (Some(h1), None) => h1
case (None, Some(h2)) => h2
case (Some(h1), Some(h2)) => h1 + h2
// Write the calculated results
.mapValues(_.approximateSize.estimate) // Get the estimated size
// Write the checkpointed interactions for future pipeline run
.map { i =>
.setInteractions(ByteBuffer.wrap(Injection[HLL, Array[Byte]](i._2)))
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