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Last active September 28, 2019 19:09
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# find content in javascript files inside a folder
# eg: findjs color src
function findjs {
find "${2:-.}" -name '*.js' -not -path '*node_modules*' -not -path '*dist*' -exec grep "$1" --color=auto {} \; -print
# find content in javascript files inside a folder and replace it with something else
# eg: findjsr red blue src
function findjsr {
find "${3:-.}" -name '*.js' -not -path '*node_modules*' -not -path '*dist*' -exec sed -i "" "s/$1/$2/g" {} \; -print
# find content in view files inside a folder
function findview {
find "${2:-.}" -name '*.view' -not -path '*node_modules*' -not -path '*dist*' -exec grep "$1" --color=auto {} \; -print
# find content in view files inside a folder and replace it with something else
function findviewr {
find "${3:-.}" -name '*.view' -not -path '*node_modules*' -not -path '*dist*' -exec sed -i "" "s/$1/$2/g" {} \; -print
# list all views and when you select one it opens it with the editor
# it needs fzy, install it with brew install fzy
function editview {
find "${1:-.}" -name '*.view*' -not -path '*node_modules*' -not -path '*dist*' -not -path '*.view.js' | fzy | xargs -o $EDITOR
function cleangitbranches {
git remote prune origin
git branch -vv | grep 'origin/.*: gone]' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -D
# list processes running off the current directory
function procpwd {
ps aux | grep `pwd`
# kill processes running off the current directory
function killpwd {
kill $(ps aux | grep `pwd` | awk '{print $2}')
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