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Created September 25, 2022 19:28
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Work Examples
Being a backend person, I guess most of my stuff has ugly-looking screenshots, I apologize...
Some times I attend to hackathons, this one was in Delhi:
The program we made actually ended up being useful, I was lucky! And we had a lot of fun working all night long on it.
Some times I teach math and trigonometry to my coding students online (for game development purposes), I made this tool to teach using a video game, in order to encourage my students to explore trigonometry and to realize trig is cool:
I the 20 people team I was leading back in india, we faced some issues of people posting bad code, so some times I make tools for the teams I work with to increase their productivity, the idea here is simple, If a dev makes a mistake the commit is rejected before it even happens:
You can get a more detailed explanation here:
This is just to prevent the code reviewer (me, in this case), to waste time explaining silly syntax errors to the team in India. (Loved the Indians, I don't know why they have such a bad reputation, they are such hard working people...).
Sometimes I feel documentation is really important, and the existing tooling isn't enough, so I made this so I can provide proper docs to the team, it actually ended up getting contributions, I am so lucky again...
Sometimes I make free websites for Non-for-Profit organizations in my free time:
It's not much, but it's honest work.
I like static site generators over Wordpress, because ugh...
Sometimes I give talks to the local php community, I don't do that much php these days,
However I do think it's important to give back. I had to read about 8000 lines of C to give this
Talk, but now I feel confident I finally "get it" (although, it's been a while, so don't quiz me
On all the details).
The video of the talk used to be online, but it was removed, sorry.
I had so much fun learning C to give PHP talks that I learned how to write PHP extensions in C, so I could teach my friends at the meetup:
Funnily enough, it was mostly Electronic engineers who showed up to that talk in particular...
Sometimes I teach how to write project management software to my friends, because 
I want my friends to be better python coders:
Some random dude online asked me in a group if anybody was interested in writing a game:
I sent this to him in order to prove I was actually able to code, the code speed is 6x from
The real speed, (as to not make the video boring). I like the final result, you can watch
How I work here:
Sometimes I invest time in learning how to use the IDE in depth, I like sharing this kind
Of stuff, as it makes everyone more productive
(My talk is the second one).
A long time ago I worked on a Dashboard Software (apologies for the dated-looking graphics,
Back then flash used to be a thing...)
I also worked on Geographical Information systems, it turns out it's a very fun thing to do
Earlier, I worked on AS/400 IBM Mainframe modernization projects, unfortunately, most of the
AS/400 IBM guys have never left the green screen, I guess maybe in another 10 years they will
Eventually move to the web? Who knows...
My job was to make the DOS looking screen look more modern, the client was satisfied.
Here is an example file manager I made (in order to avoid using a CMS).
I think file-manager as a CMS is still an unexplored idea to be honest, maybe somebody will like it...
When I lived in India, I had some friends who didn't know Spanish, but were eager to learn,
So I made this Tetris-like software so they can learn how to do Spanish tense verb declensions (declinations?)
Correctly, maybe one day I'll change it so I can use it myself to finally learn French and German.
Making language learning software is something I really enjoy, but most of the clients
Want CRUDs, so I automated my job and made a CRUD generator in PHP, .NET, Javascript, Java.
The new version will be re-written in golang.
I once enjoyed 2 hours of quiet time and wrote a small sudoku solver from scratch, you
Can see the process here (but do please fast forward a bit, it is very boring):
As for the https in, I'll fix it this weekend and send a new version,
It's just a basic website, nothing fancy.
I don't like CMSs, they are unnecessarily complex.
There are many more projects I've done in the past, I can find more if needed, what I'm sharing here are mostly
passion projects and things I enjoy doing in open source, any feedback is appreciated!
I hope this information is useful.
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