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Created June 25, 2019 23:26
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PostgreSQL issue where constraint function is not being called as view owner
-- Load in uuid-ossp extension for uuid_generate_v1mc
create schema "uuid-ossp";
create extension "uuid-ossp" with schema "uuid-ossp";
-- Create roles
create role alice;
create role bob;
-- Create data tables
create table foo(
id uuid primary key default "uuid-ossp".uuid_generate_v1mc(),
things jsonb not null
grant select,insert,update,delete on table foo to alice;
create table bar(
id uuid primary key default "uuid-ossp".uuid_generate_v1mc(),
foo uuid not null references foo(id) on delete cascade,
name text not null
grant select,insert,update,delete on table bar to alice;
create function relevant_thing(bar) returns jsonb
language sql
as $$
select things->$ from foo where$;
create function thing_exists_in_foo() returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
if relevant_thing(new) is null then
raise exception $fmt$thing '%' does not exist in foo$fmt$,;
end if;
return new;
create constraint trigger exists_in_foo
after insert or update of foo,name on bar
for each row
execute procedure thing_exists_in_foo();
-- Create documented views for public users
create view fooview as select * from foo;
grant select, insert(things) on table fooview to bob;
alter view fooview owner to alice;
create view barview as select * from bar;
grant select, insert(foo, name) on table barview to bob;
alter view barview owner to alice;
-- Demonstrate issue
set role bob;
with new_foo as (
insert into fooview(things)
values ('{"mybar":{}}'::jsonb)
returning id
insert into barview(foo, name)
select, 'mybar' from new_foo;
-- Fails with:
-- ERROR: permission denied for table foo
-- CONTEXT: SQL function "relevant_thing" statement 1
-- PL/pgSQL function thing_exists_in_foo() line 3 at IF
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