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Forked from brandonb927/
Created October 26, 2015 11:20
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Installed Atom Packages

Sublime-Style-Column-Selection Enable Sublime style 'Column Selection'. Just hold 'alt' while you select. Also similar to Texmate's 'Multiple Carets', or BBEdit's 'Block Select'

ask-stack Quickly get answers and code samples from Stack Overflow in Atom

atom-alignment A simple key-binding for aligning multi-line and multiple selections in Atom (Based on the sublime text plugin)

atom-beautify Beautify HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, and SQL in Atom

atom-django Build Django apps faster with Atom.

atom-handlebars Handlebars support in Atom

atom-jinja2 Syntax highlighting for jinja2 templates.

atom-material-syntax A dark syntax theme for Atom that uses Google's Material Design color palette

atom-material-ui A dark UI theme for Atom that follows Google's Material Design Guidelines

autoclose-html Automates closing of HTML Tags

autocomplete-emojis Adds emoji autocompletion to autocomplete+

autocomplete-python Python variables, methods, functions and modules autocompletions

autoprefixer Prefix CSS

browser-plus Browser Plus

color-picker Right click or press CMD-SHIFT-C/CTRL-ALT-C to open it.

csscomb Atom Editor plugin for CSScomb,

csslint CSSLint error reports for your Atom editor

editor-settings Editor settings per-language, extension and directory.

editor-stats Display a graph of keyboard and mouse usage for the last 6 hours.

editorconfig Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors

emmet Emmet – the essential tool for web developers

figlet Converts a selection into ascii-art using figlet

file-icons Assign file extension icons and colours for improved visual grepping

fixmyjs Automagically fix JSHint lint warnings

gist-it Quickly and easily share your code on

git-blame Toggle git-blame annotations in the gutter of atom editor.

git-history View previous versions of any file known to git.

git-plus Do git things without the terminal

git-projects List and open your local Git projects in Atom.

highlight-line Highlights the current line in the editor

highlight-selected Highlights the current word selected when double clicking

html-entities Encode and decode HTML entities

javascript-snippets JavaScript & NodeJS Snippets for Atom

jshint Validate JavaScript with JSHint. In realtime or on save. Supports JSX (React).

jsonpp JSON pretty printer

linter A Base Linter with Cow Powers

linter-coffeelint Lint CoffeeScript on the fly, using coffeelint

linter-flake8 Atom linter plugin for Python, using flake8

linter-golinter Check Go files with golint tool

linter-js-standard Linter plugin for JavaScript Standard Style

linter-js-yaml Linter plugin for YAML, using js-yaml

linter-pep8 Linter plugin for pep8

markdown-scroll-sync Auto-scroll markdown-preview tab to match markdown source

markdown-writer Make Atom a better Markdown editor and an easier static blogging tool.

minimap A preview of the full source code.

minimap-highlight-selected A minimap binding for the highlight-selected package

minimap-pigments An Atom plugin to display pigments colors in the Minimap.

pigments A package to display colors in project and files.

pretty-json Format JSON

project-manager Project Manager for easy access and switching between projects in Atom.

save-session An Atom package to restore your session.

selector-to-tag Create HTML tag elements using CSS selectors in HTML files

set-syntax Creates easy Command Palette commands for setting the syntax of the current file

ssh-config ssh config syntax

string-looper Change word case, number value and loop between keywords with the arrows of your keyboard.

sync-settings Synchronize package settings, keymap and installed packages

tabs-to-spaces Provides the ability to convert between leading tabs and spaces in a document

the-closer Closes the window when or after the last tab is closed. Doesn't ask any questions.

todo-show Finds all the TODOs, FIXMEs, CHANGEDs, etc. in your project.

toggle-quotes Quickly toggle between single and double quotes

tomorrow-night-eighties An atom conversion of the Tomorrow Night Eighties theme.

tool-bar Package providing customisable tool bar

travis-ci-status Add Travis CI status of the project to the Atom status bar.

uglify Minify JavaScript

wordcount Counts the words (and characters) in your current document, as well as in your selection and displays it in the status bar.

xml-formatter XML Formatter

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