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Last active April 27, 2018 17:47
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Functional Programming in Scala 6.5 in Clojure
(def words
(clojure.string/split-lines (slurp "")))
(def mnem
{\2 "ABC" \3 "DEF" \4 "GHI" \5 "JKL" \6 "MNO" \7 "PQRS" \8 "TUV" \9 "WXYZ"})
(def char-code
(into {} (for [[k vs] mnem
v vs]
[v k])))
(defn word-code
(apply str (map char-code (.toUpperCase word))))
(def words-for-num
(group-by word-code words))
(defn decode
(if (empty? number)
(into #{} (for [split (range 1 (inc (.length number)))
word (get words-for-num (subs number 0 split))
rest (decode (subs number split))]
(cons word rest)))))
(defn translate
(map (partial clojure.string/join " ") (decode number)))
(translate "5299626")
;; ("lazy Nan" "jazz man" "lazy Mao" "jazz Nan" "lazy man" "jazz Mao")
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