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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Go Challenge 1 in Tcl
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
package require fileutil
namespace eval ::decoder {
# Allow us to use +, -, *, /, etc. as commands outside of the [expr] DSL.
namespace path ::tcl::mathop
proc ::decoder::decode-file {filename} {
# Read the entire file into memory as binary. [::fileutil::cat] runs the
# command ::fileutil::cat and substitutes its return value in its place.
# $filename substitutes the value of that variable.
set data [::fileutil::cat -encoding binary $filename]
# Decode the header with [binary scan]. The curly braces around the format
# string quote it. They are analogous to single quotes in the POSIX shell.
# The components of the format string used to decode the file header have
# the following meaning:
# a6 - a string of six characters
# W - one 64-bit big-endian integer
# A32 - a string of 32 characters with trailing blanks and nulls discarded
# r1 - one little-endian 32-bit float
# a* - the remainder of the string unchanged
# The first four values are assigned to elements in the array header. The
# remainder of the string is assigned to the variable data replacing its
# previous value.
binary scan $data {a6 W A32 r1 a*} \
header(magic) header(length) header(version) header(tempo) data
# {} is an empty sting as well as an empty list.
set tracks {}
set charsRemaining [- $header(length) 36]
while {$charsRemaining > 0} {
# Assign each item of the list returned by [decode-track] to a variable.
lassign [decode-track $data] newTrack charsDecoded data
# Append $newTrack to the list tracks.
lappend tracks $newTrack
# Decrease charsRemaining by $charsDecoded.
incr charsRemaining -$charsDecoded
# A list with the format of {key1 value1 key2 value2 ...} is also a valid
# Tcl dictionary. We will use this fact later in [pretty-print]. [array get]
# converts an array to a dictionary.
return [list header [array get header] tracks $tracks]
# Aside: Arrays are an older feature of Tcl. They allow a convenient syntax
# shortcut of "name(key)" to access their elements, which we have used
# above. However, unlike most things in the language they are *not*
# immutable values. This makes it necessary to convert our headers array to
# a dictionary before we return it.
proc ::decoder::decode-track {data} {
set charsDecoded [string length $data]
# Read the length of the track name. "cu" means an unsigned 8-bit integer.
binary scan $data {cu1 cu3 cu1 a*} track(number) _ track(nameLength) data
# Below we substitute $track(nameLength) in the format string to decode a
# variable-length field. You don't need double quotes to perform
# substitution in Tcl.
binary scan $data a${track(nameLength)}cu16a* track(name) track(score) data
incr charsDecoded -[string length $data]
return [list [array get track] $charsDecoded $data]
proc ::decoder::pretty-print {data} {
# The command [dict with dictionary code] assigns the values of the keys in
# $dictionary to variables with the same names in the current scope
# (procedure), runs the code then put the changes back into the dictionary.
# E.g.,
# set test {foo bar}; dict with test {puts $foo; set foo baz}
# outputs "bar" then changes the value of test to {foo baz}. Since we don't
# want to change any of the values we will leave the code part empty.
dict with data { # no code here } ;# $header is now a dictionary.
dict with header {}
puts "Saved with HW Version: $version"
puts "Tempo: [format-float $tempo]"
foreach track $tracks {
dict with track {}
# Alter score with a map...
set score [string map {0 - 1 x} [join $score ""]]
# ...and then with a regular expression.
regsub {(....)(....)(....)(....)} $score {|\1|\2|\3|\4|} score
puts "($number) $name\t$score"
proc ::decoder::format-float {f} {
# The first argument to the [if] command is an expression. To make doing
# math more convenient expressions use the [expr] DSL. It is infix (meaning
# that you write "$a + $b * $c" rather than "[+ $a [* $b $c]]") and has
# functions that take arguments in parentheses.
if {round($f) == $f} {
return [format %.0f $f]
} else {
return [format %.1f $f]
set decoded [::decoder::decode-file [lindex $argv 0]]
::decoder::pretty-print $decoded
decoder_test.go | 5 ++++-
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/decoder_test.go b/decoder_test.go
index a3f0e19..92763a2 100644
--- a/decoder_test.go
+++ b/decoder_test.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package drum
import (
+ "os/exec"
@@ -61,7 +62,9 @@ Tempo: 999
for _, exp := range tData {
- decoded, err := DecodeFile(path.Join("fixtures", exp.path))
+ output, err := exec.Command("tclsh", "decoder.tcl",
+ path.Join("fixtures", exp.path)).Output()
+ decoded := string(output)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("something went wrong decoding %s - %v", exp.path, err)
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rich123 commented Mar 20, 2015

Are you certain that line 11 of decoder.tcl is correct. The docs imply it should instead read as:

set data [::fileutil::cat -encoding binary $filename]

The documentation for fileutil::cat states:

::fileutil::cat (?options? file)...

Each file can have its own set of options coming before it, and for anything not specified directly the defaults are inherited from the options of the previous file. The first file inherits the system default for unspecified options.

The docs heavily imply that the order should be options first, file name second.

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dbohdan commented Mar 20, 2015

You're right. That was actually a mistake on my part. Thanks for pointing it out!

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