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Last active July 4, 2023 14:12
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Scrape the GitHub Stars Lists for a user
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# $ pip install pandas playwright tabulate && python -m playwright install --with-deps webkit
# $ GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER=octocat python
import asyncio
import os
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
import pandas as pd
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
from playwright.async_api._generated import Browser, Locator
BROWSER = "webkit" # chromium, firefox, webkit
HOST = ""
async def new_page(browser: Browser):
"""Render JS scripts in a pre-crawled HTML using a headless browser."""
# many init options like proxy:
page = await browser.new_page()
yield page
await page.close()
async def parse_stars_list(loc: Locator):
data = {
"name": loc.locator("//h3").text_content(),
"link": loc.get_attribute("href"),
"description": loc.locator("//span[contains(@class, 'text')]").text_content(),
"stars": loc.locator("//div[contains(text(), 'repositories')]").text_content(),
data = dict(zip(data.keys(), await asyncio.gather(*data.values())))
data["link"] = HOST + data["link"]
data["description"] = data["description"].strip()
data["stars"] = int(data["stars"].split()[0])
return data
async def get_github_stars_lists(browser: Browser):
async with new_page(browser) as page:
await page.goto(f"{HOST}/{USER}?tab=stars")
# print(await page.content())
loc = page.locator("//a[contains(@href, '/lists/')]")
coros = [parse_stars_list(loc.nth(i)) for i in range(await loc.count())]
return await asyncio.gather(*coros)
async def main():
async with async_playwright() as pw:
browser: Browser = await getattr(pw, BROWSER).launch() # await browser.close()
data = await get_github_stars_lists(browser)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df["name"] = df.apply(lambda row: f"[{row['name']}]({row['link']})", axis=1)
df.sort_values("stars", ascending=False)
.to_markdown(index=False, tablefmt="github")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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