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Created June 19, 2021 12:01
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function Product(title,price){
this.title = title;
this.price = price;
// call a function as method - MIP
// value of this inside function - always object before dot
// var Foo = {
// name :"DJ",
// Product:function(title,price){
// console.log(this);
// }
// }
// var Koo = {
// title:'koo',
// age : 9
// }
// Foo.Product();
// // call a function as function - FIP
// // value of this inside function - global object
// var p1 = Product("Pen",20);
// console.log(p1);
// // call a function as constructor - CIP
// // value of this inside function - always newly created object
// // [[Construct]]
// var p1 = new Product("Pen",20);
// console.log(p1);
function sendEmail(message,to){
this.message = message; = to;
var Manger = {
name :'foo',
sal : 489494
var Employee = {
name :'koo',
managername :'foo',
sale : 3477
// IIP , you can pass value of this manually
// ABC
// apply - array
// bind - new object
// call - commas
sendEmail.apply(Manger,["Hello how are you",'']);,"Hello emp how are you",'');
var Product = (title,price)=>{
// arrow function does not have its own valuwe of 'this'
// arrow function can not be used with new . means you can not use it CIP because it does not have
// [[Construct]]
// arrow functioon does not have arguments object
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