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Last active October 4, 2019 11:54
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encrypt selection selected text cryptselection extension for zim
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cryptselection plugin for zim
# Copyright 2015 Klaus Holler <>
# License: same as zim (gpl)
# Installation/Usage:
# * Put the cryptselection/ directory to your ~/.local/share/zim/plugins subdirectory
# i.e. cd ~/.local/share/zim/plugins &&
# git clone cryptselection
# * Then (re)start zim, and setup once the 'Crypt Selection' plugin:
# * enable it in Edit>Preferences>Plugins and
# * set the encryption/decryption commands via 'Configure' button
# * For in-place decryption gpg-agent should be started before starting zim and be
# configured properly to display a pinentry popup to ask for the PGP key passphrase.
# gpg -c --armor --passphrase
# gpg --passphrase
from __future__ import with_statement
import gtk
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from zim.plugins import PluginClass, extends, WindowExtension
from zim.actions import action
from zim.gui.widgets import ui_environment, MessageDialog
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('zim.plugins.cryptselection')
class CryptSelectionPlugin(PluginClass):
plugin_info = {
'name': _('Crypt Selection'), # T: plugin name
'description': _('''\
This plugin encrypts or decrypts the current selection
with a specified encryption command (e.g. gpg).
If -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- is found at selection
start and -----END PGP MESSAGE----- found at selection
end then decrypt, otherwise encrypt.
'''), # T: plugin description
'author': 'Klaus Holler',
'help': 'Plugins:Crypt Selection',
plugin_preferences = [
# key, type, label, default
('encryption_command', 'string',
_('Encryption Command (reads plaintext from stdin)'),
'/usr/bin/gpg2 --always-trust -ear RECIPIENT'), # T: plugin preference
('decryption_command', 'string',
_('Decryption Command (reads encrypted text from stdin)'),
'/usr/bin/gpg2 -d'), # T: plugin preference
class MainWindowExtension(WindowExtension):
uimanager_xml = '''
<menubar name='menubar'>
<menu action='edit_menu'>
<placeholder name='plugin_items'>
<menuitem action='crypt_selection'/>
def __init__(self, plugin, window):
WindowExtension.__init__(self, plugin, window)
self.preferences = plugin.preferences
@action(_('Cr_ypt selection')) # T: menu item
# TODO: add stock parameter to set icon
def crypt_selection(self):
buffer = self.window.pageview.view.get_buffer()
sel_start, sel_end = buffer.get_selection_bounds()
except ValueError:
_('Please select the text to be encrypted, first.')).run()
# T: Error message in "crypt selection" dialog, %s will be replaced
# by application name
first_lineno = sel_start.get_line()
last_lineno = sel_end.get_line()
with buffer.user_action:
assert buffer.get_has_selection(), 'No Selection present'
sel_text = self.window.pageview.get_selection(format='wiki')
self_bounds = (sel_start.get_offset(), sel_end.get_offset())
passphrase = self.show_password_dialog()
if ((re.match(r'[\n\s]*\-{5}BEGIN PGP MESSAGE\-{5}', sel_text) is None) or'\s*\-{5}END PGP MESSAGE\-{5}[\n\s]*$', sel_text) is None):
# default is encryption:
encrypt = True
cryptcmd = self.preferences['encryption_command'].split(" ")
# on-the-fly decryption if selection is a full PGP encrypted block
encrypt = False
cryptcmd = self.preferences['decryption_command'].split(" ")
newtext = None
p = Popen(cryptcmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
newtext, err = p.communicate(input=sel_text)
print "newtext: "
print newtext
print "err: "
print err
if p.returncode == 0:
print "ERROR 0"
# replace selection only if crypt command was successful
# (incidated by returncode 0)
if encrypt is True:
bounds = map(buffer.get_iter_at_offset, self_bounds)
print "bounds"
print bounds
buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n%s\n" % newtext)
# just show decrypted text in popup
_("Decrypted Text: \n" + newtext)).run()
logger.warn("crypt command '%s' returned code %d." % (cryptcmd,
def show_password_dialog(self):
messagedialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, flags=0, type=gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK, message_format="Following passphrase will be used in encryption/decryption.")
messagedialog.set_title("Enter passphrase")
action_area = messagedialog.get_content_area()
entry = gtk.Entry()
passphrase = entry.get_text()
return passphrase
# :mode=python:tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=true:wrap=soft:maxLineLen=90:
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