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Last active April 13, 2021 22:50
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A tiny zero-dependency compression middleware for polka (& express!) with native Brotli support.

"name": "polkompress",
"main": "polkompress.cjs",
"module": "polkompress.js",
"type": "module",
"exports": {
"import": "polkompress.js",
"default": "polkompress.cjs"
"scripts": { "prepare":"cjyes", "prepack":"mv *", "postpack": "mv *" },
"devDependencies": { "cjyes":"0.3.1" }
import zlib from 'zlib';
function getChunkSize(chunk, enc) {
if (!chunk) return 0;
if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) return Buffer.byteLength(chunk, enc);
return chunk.length;
const noop = () => {};
const MIMES = /text|javascript|xml/i;
/** @returns {import('polka').Middleware} */
export default function compress({ threshold = 1024, level = -1, brotli = false, gzip = true, mimes = MIMES } = {}) {
const brotliOpts = (typeof brotli === 'object' && brotli) || {};
const gzipOpts = (typeof gzip === 'object' && gzip) || {};
return (req, res, next = noop) => {
const accept = req.headers['accept-encoding'] + '';
const encoding = ((brotli && accept.match(/\bbr\b/)) || (gzip && accept.match(/\bgzip\b/)) || [])[0];
// skip if no response body or no supported encoding:
if (req.method === 'HEAD' || !encoding) return next();
/** @type {zlib.Gzip | zlib.BrotliCompress} */
let compress;
let pendingStatus;
let started = false;
let size = 0;
function start() {
started = true;
// @ts-ignore
size = res.getHeader('Content-Length') | 0 || size;
const compressible = mimes.test(res.getHeader('Content-Type') + '');
const cleartext = !res.getHeader('Content-Encoding');
if (compressible && cleartext && size >= threshold) {
res.setHeader('Content-Encoding', encoding);
if (encoding === 'br') {
const params = {
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]: level,
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_SIZE_HINT]: size
compress = zlib.createBrotliCompress({ params: Object.assign(params, brotliOpts) });
} else {
compress = zlib.createGzip(Object.assign({ level }, gzipOpts));
// backpressure
compress.on('data', chunk =>, chunk) === false && compress.pause());, 'drain', () => compress.resume());
compress.on('end', () =>;
// const start =;
// compress.on('end', () => {
// console.log(`${req.url}[${(size / 1000) | 0}kb]: ${encoding};dur=${ - start}`);
// });
pendingListeners.forEach(p => on.apply(res, p));
if (pendingStatus), pendingStatus);
const { end, write, on, writeHead } = res;
res.writeHead = function (status, reason, headers) {
if (typeof reason !== 'string') [headers, reason] = [reason, headers];
if (headers) for (let i in headers) res.setHeader(i, headers[i]);
pendingStatus = status;
return this;
res.write = function (chunk, enc) {
size += getChunkSize(chunk, enc);
if (!started) start();
if (!compress) return, chunk, enc);
return compress.write(chunk, enc);
res.end = function (chunk, enc) {
size += getChunkSize(chunk, enc);
if (!started) start();
if (!compress) return, chunk, enc);
return compress.end(chunk, enc);
/** Not currently used. */
let pendingListeners = [];
res.on = function (type, listener) {
if (!pendingListeners), type, listener);
else if (compress) compress.on(type, listener);
else pendingListeners.push([type, listener]);
return this;
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