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Last active September 8, 2020 15:13
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Update: the newer & better version of this is published:
import { h, Component } from 'preact';
/** Creates a new store, which is a tiny evented state container.
* @example
* let store = createStore();
* store.subscribe( state => console.log(state) );
* store.setState({ a: 'b' }); // logs { a: 'b' }
* store.setState({ c: 'd' }); // logs { c: 'd' }
export default function createStore(state={}) {
let listeners = [];
return {
setState(update) {
state = { ...state, ...update };
listeners.forEach( f => f(state) );
subscribe(f) {
unsubscribe(f) {
let i = listeners.indexOf(f);
listeners.splice(i, !!~i);
getState() {
return state;
/** Provides its props into the tree as context.
* @example
* let store = createStore();
* <Provider store={store}><App /></Provider>
export class Provider extends Component {
getChildContext() {
let { children, ...context } = this.props;
return context;
render({ children }) {
return children[0];
/** Wire a component up to the store. Passes state as props, re-renders on change.
* @param {Function|Array|String} mapStateToProps A function (or any `select()` argument) mapping of store state to prop values.
* @example
* const Foo = connect('foo,bar')( ({ foo, bar }) => <div /> )
* @example
* @connect( state => ({ foo:, bar: }) )
* export class Foo { render({ foo, bar }) { } }
export function connect(mapToProps) {
if (typeof mapToProps!=='function') mapToProps = select(mapToProps);
return Child => class Wrapper extends Component {
state = this.getProps();
update = () => {
let mapped = this.getProps();
if (!shallowEqual(mapped, this.state)) {
getProps() {
let state = && || {};
return mapToProps(state);
componentWillMount() {;
componentWillUnmount() {;
render(props, state, context) {
return <Child store={} {...props} {...state} />;
/** select('foo,bar') creates a function of the form: ({ foo, bar }) => ({ foo, bar }) */
export function select(properties) {
if (typeof properties==='string') properties = properties.split(',');
return state => {
let selected = {};
for (let i=0; i<properties.length; i++) {
selected[properties[i]] = state[properties[i]];
return selected;
/** Returns a boolean indicating if all keys and values match between two objects. */
function shallowEqual(a, b) {
for (let i in a) if (a[i]!==b[i]) return false;
for (let i in b) if (!(i in a)) return false;
return true;
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wow, that's neat.

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update: published this as a proper module

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very useful...Thanks...

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