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Last active February 10, 2023 13:47
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A simple script which converts decimal number to 8 bit binary code
To run:
- Download this code as .py
- Install python3 on your machine
- Open your CMD(Windows) or Terminal in Linux/MacOS and use the following command
python3 /Path/to/ [COMMAND] [DECIMAL_NUMBER]
* -b : To convert decimal to binary
* -d : To convert binary to decimal
- Convert decimal number to bits *
- Convert binary to decimal number *
- Handle signed bytes
This code will fail if the number is negative.
No bit flipping at the moment.
import sys
def my_main():
env_arg = sys.argv
if len(env_arg) < 3:
print("Run script in command and pass a valid decimal")
inp = int(env_arg[2])
command = str(env_arg[1])
if (command == "-d"):
# Convert from binary to decimal
print("Binary code: {}".format(binary_to_decimal(inp)))
elif (command == "-b") :
#Convert from decimal to binary
print("Result decimal : {}".format(covert_to_binary(inp)))
print("Wrong command. You can either use -d or -b!")
except Exception as error:
print("An error has occurred! "+ str(error))
def covert_to_binary(inp):
final_result = ""
tracker = inp
for i in range(8):
result = int(tracker % 2)
tracker = tracker/2
final_result += str(result)
return final_result[::-1]
def binary_to_decimal(inp):
base = 1
str_inp = str(inp)[::-1]
decimal =0
for i in range(len(str_inp)):
res = base * int(str_inp[i])
if res > 0:
decimal += res
base *= 2
return decimal
if __name__ == "__main__":
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