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Created April 17, 2019 01:21
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Test of various gdax-trading-toolkit modules and libs
import * as GTT from "gdax-trading-toolkit";
import { Big } from "gdax-trading-toolkit/build/src/lib/types";
import { TickerMessage, Trader, TraderConfig } from "gdax-trading-toolkit/build/src/core";
import { LiveOrder } from "gdax-trading-toolkit/build/src/lib";
import { GDAXExchangeAPI } from "gdax-trading-toolkit/build/src/exchanges/gdax/GDAXExchangeAPI";
import { GDAXConfig } from "gdax-trading-toolkit/build/src/exchanges/gdax/GDAXInterfaces";
import { GDAX_WS_FEED, GDAXFeed, GDAXFeedConfig } from "gdax-trading-toolkit/build/src/exchanges";
import { GDAX_API_URL } from "gdax-trading-toolkit/build/src/exchanges/gdax/GDAXExchangeAPI";
import {
} from "gdax-trading-toolkit/build/src/core/Messages";
import { StaticCommandSet } from "gdax-trading-toolkit/build/src/lib";
import Limiter from "gdax-trading-toolkit/build/src/core/RateLimiter";
const logger = GTT.Factories.ConsoleLoggerFactory();
const auth = {
key: process.env.GDAX_KEY,
secret: process.env.GDAX_SECRET,
passphrase: process.env.GDAX_PASSPHRASE
const wsUrl = 'wss://';
const apiUrl = '';
const gdaxConfig: GDAXConfig = {
logger: logger,
apiUrl: process.env.GDAX_API_URL || '',
auth: {
key: process.env.GDAX_KEY,
secret: process.env.GDAX_SECRET,
passphrase: process.env.GDAX_PASSPHRASE
* Remember to set GDAX_KEY, GDAX_SECRET and GDAX_PASSPHRASE envars to allow trading
const gdaxTrade = new GDAXExchangeAPI(gdaxConfig);
const product = 'BTC-USD';
const [base, quote] = product.split('-');
// const gdaxAPI = GTT.Factories.GDAX.DefaultAPI(logger);
const options: GDAXFeedConfig = {
logger: logger,
auth: { key: null, secret: null, passphrase: null }, // use public feed
channels: ['ticker'],
wsUrl: process.env.GDAX_WS_URL || 'wss://',
apiUrl: process.env.GDAX_API_URL || ''
const order: PlaceOrderMessage = {
type: 'placeOrder',
time: null,
productId: product,
orderType: 'limit',
side: 'buy',
size: '0.001',
price: '0.02'
const orderMessages: StreamMessage[] = [
type: 'placeOrder',
productId: product,
side: 'buy',
orderType: 'limit',
size: '0.001',
price: '1.00'
} as PlaceOrderMessage
gdaxTrade.placeOrder(order).then((result: LiveOrder) => {
logger.log('info', 'Order executed', `Order to ${order.side} ${order.size} ${base} placed. Result: ${result.status}`);
logger.log('debug', 'DEBUG', JSON.stringify(order));
GTT.Factories.GDAX.getSubscribedFeeds({ auth: auth, logger: logger, wsUrl: wsUrl, apiUrl: apiUrl }, [product]).then((feed: GDAXFeed) => {
GTT.Core.createTickerTrigger(feed, product, false)
.setAction((ticker: TickerMessage) => {
logger.log('debug', GTT.utils.printTicker(ticker, 3));
const traderConfig: TraderConfig = {
logger: logger,
productId: product,
exchangeAPI: feed.authenticatedAPI,
fitOrders: true
const trader = new Trader(traderConfig);
const orders = new StaticCommandSet(orderMessages, false);
// We use a limiter to play each order once every 2 seconds.
const limiter = new Limiter(1, 500);
// We'll play the orders through the limiter, so connect them up
// We can only pipe one stream into the trader, so we can't pipe both the GDAX feed as well as our trading commands.
// We can pipe one, and then use the event mechanism to handle the other. In this demo we'll pipe the message feed
// to trader,
// .. and execute the trade messages as they come out of the limiter.
limiter.on('data', (msg: StreamMessage) => {
logger.log('info', 'Execute following order: ', JSON.stringify(msg));
logger.log('info', 'Placing order with trader object: ', JSON.stringify(order));
// We're basically done. Now set up listeners to log the trades as they happen
trader.on('Trader.order-placed', (msg: LiveOrder) => {
logger.log('info', 'Order placed', JSON.stringify(msg));
trader.on('', (msg: TradeExecutedMessage) => {
logger.log('info', 'Trade executed', JSON.stringify(msg));
trader.on('', (msg: TradeFinalizedMessage) => {
logger.log('info', 'Order complete', JSON.stringify(msg));
trader.on('', (ids: string[]) => {
logger.log('info', `${ids.length} orders cancelled`);
trader.on('', (err: ErrorMessage) => {
logger.log('error', 'Order placement failed', err);
trader.on('error', (err: Error) => {
logger.log('error', 'An error occurred', err);
limiter.on('end', () => {
// Wait a second to allow final order to settle
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('..and we are done. Final Trader state:');
// trader.cancelMyOrders().catch((err: Error) => {
// logger.log('error', 'Error cancelling orders', err);
// });
}, 5000);
// Send the orders once the feed has initialised
feed.once('snapshot', () => {
logger.log('info','Im here');
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