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Last active January 31, 2017 00:01
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Docker w/GlusterFS volume driver on Scaleway C1 servers
# 0. For the server, use the "Docker" base image from the ImageHub (
# 1. Install
# Alternatively, just download the prebuilt executable from
apt-get -y install golang
export GOPATH=~/go
go get
mv go/bin/docker-volume-glusterfs /usr/local/bin/
# 2. Install GlusterFS
apt-get install -y glusterfs-server
# 3. Now, start the docker-volume-glusterfs plugin
modprobe fuse
docker-volume-glusterfs -servers
# Repeat steps 1-3 on as many servers as you like.
# 4. Create Gluster volume
LOCAL_IP=$(ip a show dev eth0 scope global | grep inet | awk -F '[ /]*' '{print $3}')
gluster volume create datastore ${LOCAL_IP}:/datastore force
gluster volume set datastore nfs.disable true
gluster volume set datastore auth.allow
# 5. Adding a second GlusterFS server
# From the first server:
glustr peer probe <INTERNAL IP OF 2ND SERVER>
gluster volume add-brick datastore replica 2 <INTERNAL IP OF 2ND SERVER>:/datastore force
# 6. Done! Try out the volume on each server:
@server1 $ docker run --volume-driver glusterfs --volume datastore:/data armhfbuild/alpine:3.1 echo hello >/data/test
@server2 $ docker run --volume-driver glusterfs --volume datastore:/data armhfbuild/alpine:3.1 cat /data/test
# To come: SSL for GlusterFS
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