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Created March 25, 2014 11:53
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;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrScheme.
;; They record information about the language level.
#reader(lib "" "plai")((modname pro9) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()))
(define (AEfoldin op nv list)
((null? list) nv)
((null? (rest list)) (AEfoldin op (op (first list) (op nv)) (rest list))) ;(op nv) => -3 vb icin
(else (AEfoldin op (op nv (first list)) (rest list)))))
(define (AEfold op nv list) (AEfoldin op nv (reverse list)))
(define-type F1OAI
[fnum (n number?)]
[fadd (operands (listof F1OAI?))]
[fsub (operands (listof F1OAI?))]
[fmul (operands (listof F1OAI?))]
[fdiv (operands (listof F1OAI?))]
; [fif-exp (lhs F1OAI?) (mid F1OAI?) (rhs F1OAI?)]
[fwith (name symbol?) (named-expr F1OAI?) (body F1OAI?)]
[fid (name symbol?)]
[fapp (fun-name symbol?) (arg F1OAI?)]
;<fundef> ::= {<symbol> <symbol> <LF1OAI>}
(define-type FunDef
[fundef (fun-name symbol?) (arg-name symbol?) (body F1OAI?)])
(define-type Env
[aSub (name symbol?) (value number?) (ds Env?)])
;;lookup-fundef : symbol listof(FunDef) -> FunDef
;;consumes a function-name and a function-definition list and returns the function-definition of that function-name
(define (lookup-fundef fun-name fundefs)
[(empty? fundefs) (error fun-name "function not found")]
[else (if(symbol=? fun-name (fundef-fun-name (first fundefs)))
(first fundefs)
(lookup-fundef fun-name (rest fundefs)))]
;;lookup : symbol Env -> F1OAI
(define (lookup name ds)
(type-case Env ds
[mtSub () (error 'look-up "no binding for an identifier")]
[aSub (bound-name bound-value rest-ds)
(if(symbol=? bound-name name)
bound-value (lookup name rest-ds))]))
;;interp : F1OAI listof(fundef) Env -> number
(define (interp expr fun-defs ds)
(type-case F1OAI expr
[fnum (n) n]
[fadd (operands)(AEfold + 0 (map (lambda (x) (interp x fun-defs ds)) operands))]
[fsub (operands)(AEfold - 0 (map (lambda (x) (interp x fun-defs ds)) operands))]
[fmul (operands)(AEfold * 1 (map (lambda (x) (interp x fun-defs ds)) operands))]
[fdiv (operands)(AEfold / 1 (map (lambda (x) (interp x fun-defs ds)) operands))]
[fwith (bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(interp bound-body
(aSub bound-id (interp named-expr
ds) ds))]
[fid (v) (lookup v ds)]
[fapp (fun-name arg-expr)
(local([define the-fun-def (lookup-fundef fun-name fun-defs)])
(interp (fundef-body the-fun-def)
(aSub (fundef-arg-name the-fun-def)
(interp arg-expr fun-defs ds)
(test (interp (fapp 'toto (fnum 4)) (list (fundef 'toto 's (fdiv (list (fnum 4) (fid 's))))) (list (fid 's) (fnum 5) )) 1)
(define er-rate 0.0001)
(define (d/dx f) (lambda (x) (/ (- (f (+ x er-rate)) (f x)) er-rate)))
;(define diff-sq (d/dx (lambda (x) (* x x))))
;> (diff-sq 10)
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