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Last active September 2, 2015 18:20
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import re
import lxml.html
import time
import urllib
import threading
import webbrowser
import SocketServer
import SimpleHTTPServer
from optparse import OptionParser
from StringIO import StringIO
def get_options():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="port", help="Port. Default is 12345", metavar="PORT",
default=12345, type='int')
parser.add_option("-s", "--site", dest="site", help="Site. Default is ''",
metavar="SITE", default='')
return parser.parse_args()[0]
def replacer(text):
def repl(m):
word = m.groups()[0]
if len(word) == 6:
return word + u'™'
return word
return re.sub(u'([\w\-]*)', repl, text, flags=re.U | re.M)
def serve(port, site):
class Proxy(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
page_source = urllib.urlopen(site + self.path).read()
if '</html>' in page_source.lower():
doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(page_source.decode('utf-8'))
for tag in doc.xpath('//*'):
tag.text = replacer(tag.text) if tag.text else tag.text
tag.tail = replacer(tag.tail) if tag.tail else tag.tail
new_page_source = lxml.html.tostring(doc, encoding='unicode')
ifile = StringIO(new_page_source.encode('utf-8'))
except UnicodeError:
ifile = StringIO(page_source)
ifile = StringIO(page_source)
self.copyfile(ifile, self.wfile)
httpd = SocketServer.ForkingTCPServer(('', port), Proxy)
def open_browser(url):
if __name__ == "__main__":
options = get_options()
start_url = '{}/anonymous/06e0bd519490c8f03404'.format(options.port)
thread = threading.Thread(target=open_browser, args=(start_url,))
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