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Last active September 23, 2020 16:39
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(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 46.38s, 61.72% of 75.15s total
Dropped 1158 nodes (cum <= 0.38s)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 217
flat flat% sum% cum cum%
14.53s 19.33% 19.33% 14.62s 19.45% runtime.adjusttimers
6.70s 8.92% 28.25% 6.80s 9.05% runtime.timeSleepUntil
5.47s 7.28% 35.53% 5.76s 7.66% runtime.findObject
5.44s 7.24% 42.77% 8.63s 11.48% math/big.nat.divBasic
5.27s 7.01% 49.78% 13.75s 18.30% runtime.scanobject
2.42s 3.22% 53.00% 2.42s 3.22% runtime.markBits.isMarked (inline)
2.27s 3.02% 56.02% 2.38s 3.17% syscall.Syscall
1.59s 2.12% 58.14% 1.59s 2.12% math/big.addMulVVW
1.47s 1.96% 60.09% 18.29s 24.34% runtime.mallocgc
1.22s 1.62% 61.72% 1.22s 1.62% math/big.subVV
(pprof) list runtime.adjusttimers
Total: 1.25mins
ROUTINE ======================== runtime.adjusttimers in runtime/time.go
14.53s 14.62s (flat, cum) 19.45% of Total
. . 647: }
. . 648: return
. . 649: }
. . 650: var moved []*timer
. . 651:loop:
220ms 220ms 652: for i := 0; i < len(pp.timers); i++ {
90ms 90ms 653: t := pp.timers[i]
10.22s 10.22s 654: if t.pp.ptr() != pp {
. . 655: throw("adjusttimers: bad p")
. . 656: }
3.78s 3.78s 657: switch s := atomic.Load(&t.status); s {
. . 658: case timerDeleted:
. . 659: if atomic.Cas(&t.status, s, timerRemoving) {
. 20ms 660: dodeltimer(pp, i)
. . 661: if !atomic.Cas(&t.status, timerRemoving, timerRemoved) {
. . 662: badTimer()
. . 663: }
. . 664: atomic.Xadd(&pp.deletedTimers, -1)
. . 665: // Look at this heap position again.
. . 666: i--
. . 667: }
. . 668: case timerModifiedEarlier, timerModifiedLater:
. . 669: if atomic.Cas(&t.status, s, timerMoving) {
. . 670: // Now we can change the when field.
. . 671: t.when = t.nextwhen
. . 672: // Take t off the heap, and hold onto it.
. . 673: // We don't add it back yet because the
. . 674: // heap manipulation could cause our
. . 675: // loop to skip some other timer.
. 10ms 676: dodeltimer(pp, i)
150ms 190ms 677: moved = append(moved, t)
. . 678: if s == timerModifiedEarlier {
. . 679: if n := atomic.Xadd(&pp.adjustTimers, -1); int32(n) <= 0 {
. . 680: break loop
. . 681: }
. . 682: }
. . 683: // Look at this heap position again.
. . 684: i--
. . 685: }
70ms 70ms 686: case timerNoStatus, timerRunning, timerRemoving, timerRemoved, timerMoving:
. . 687: badTimer()
. . 688: case timerWaiting:
. . 689: // OK, nothing to do.
. . 690: case timerModifying:
. . 691: // Check again after modification is complete.
. . 692: osyield()
. . 693: i--
. . 694: default:
. . 695: badTimer()
. . 696: }
. . 697: }
. . 698:
. . 699: if len(moved) > 0 {
. 20ms 700: addAdjustedTimers(pp, moved)
. . 701: }
. . 702:
. . 703: if verifyTimers {
. . 704: verifyTimerHeap(pp)
. . 705: }
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