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Created November 4, 2018 18:09
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unpack webjars into version less directory
// create configuration
val webjars = configurations.create("webjar")
// add dependencies
dependencies {
// add task
task<Sync>("unzipWebjars") {
configurations["webjar"]?.files?.forEach { from(zipTree(it)) }
val webjars = configurations["webjar"]?.dependencies.orEmpty()
doLast {
val basePath = "${project.projectDir}/build/webjar"
webjars.forEach { webjar ->
val properties = Paths.get("$basePath/unzipped/META-INF/maven/${}/${}/")
val version = Files.readAllLines(properties)
.first { it.startsWith("version=") }
val files = Paths.get("$basePath/unzipped/META-INF/resources/webjars/${}/$version")
val target = Paths.get("$basePath/${}/${}")
.forEach { source ->
Files.copy(source, target.resolve(files.relativize(source)), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)
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