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Forked from bradrydzewski/build_latest.go
Last active April 14, 2016 23:42
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Drone nightly build
# Build
image: golang:1.5
- GOOS=linux
- GOARCH=amd64
- go get
- go build
- go test
# Publish
# Your values go here
# The o-59/x syntax runs the script every x minutues offset by o.
# 5-59/15 would mean that the script runs at 5, 20, 35, and 50 after.
# All projects are assumed to be building master. If not make a new entry
# that uses --branch.
0-59/15 * * * * root drone-cron --repo foo/bar --server {{SERVER}} --token {{TOKEN}} >> /var/log/cron.log 2>&1
FROM ubuntu
# Add the files
ADD crontab.template \
drone-cron \ \
# Give execution rights
RUN chmod +x /bin/
RUN chmod +x /bin/drone-cron
# Run the script
CMD /bin/
package main
import (
var (
repo = flag.String("repo", "", "repository name (ie octocat/hello-world")
branch = flag.String("branch", "master", "repository branch (ie master)")
token = flag.String("token", "", "drone token")
server = flag.String("server", "", "drone server")
func main() {
var (
owner = strings.Split(*repo, "/")[0]
name = strings.Split(*repo, "/")[1]
client := drone.NewClientToken(*server, *token)
builds, err := client.BuildList(owner, name)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to get build list for %s. %s", name, err)
for _, build := range builds {
if build.Status == drone.StatusPending || build.Status == drone.StatusRunning {
log.Fatalf("Build is already in progress for %s.", name)
if build.Branch == *branch && build.Event == "push" {
forked, err := client.BuildFork(owner, name, build.Number)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to fork build %s/%s#%d. %s.", owner, name, build.Number, err)
log.Printf("Created new build for %s/%s@%s", owner, name, forked.Commit)
set -ex
# Create the crontab entry
sed -e s/{{SERVER}}/${DRONE_SERVER//\//\\/}/ \
-e s/{{TOKEN}}/${DRONE_TOKEN//\//\\/}/ \
/bin/crontab.template > $CRON_FILE
# Make it executable
chmod 0644 $CRON_FILE
# Create the log file
touch $CRON_LOG
# Run the cron command
cron && tail -f $CRON_LOG
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