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An example REPL config file (~/.rebol/repl-skin.reb)
Rebol [
title: "example REPL skin config"
date: 30-Mar-2017
version: 0.0.1
;; shortcuts I like!
q: :quit
?: :help
;; REPL makes me feel welcome!
repl: system/repl
repl/print-greeting: does [
print ["Hello" uppercase/part get-env "USER" 1]
print ["I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us today -" now]
print ["You are in" what-dir]
;; can change prompt/result prefix
repl/result: "rebol says: " ;; changed from "=="
;; or can overwrite prompt completely, here adding [counter]
repl/print-prompt: does [print/only rejoin ["[" repl/counter "]" space]]
;; print this after each line of input given (except multi-line entries)
repl/print-gap: does [print "--------------------------------------------------"]
;; hook into input line and apply transformations.
repl/input-hook: function [s] [
parse s [
";q" end (s: "quit")
| {\h} (change/part s {help } 2)
; Above ";q" aliases to "quit" and "\h" to "help"
; so "\h print" same as "help print". NB. space is superfluous, can do "\hprint"
;; add shortcut
repl/add-shortcut 'd [now]
;; dialect
repl/dialect-hook: function [s] [
s: copy s
parse s [
m: 'baz set w: word! end (change m 'print change next m to-string w)
** **
** REBOL 3.0 (Ren-C branch) **
** **
** Copyright: 2012 REBOL Technologies **
** Copyright: 2012-2017 Rebol Open Source Contributors **
** Apache 2.0 License, see LICENSE. **
** Website: **
** **
** Version: **
** Platform: Macintosh osx-x86 **
** Build: 21-Apr-2017/13:51:44 **
** Commit: _ **
** **
** Language: English **
** Locale: United Kingdom **
** Home: ./ **
** **
Important notes:
* Sandbox and security are not available.
* Direct access to TCP HTTP required (no proxies).
Special functions:
Help - show built-in help information
REPL skinning:
Loaded skin - /Users/barry/.rebol/repl-skin.reb
Hello Barry
I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us today - 21-Apr-2017/15:06:45+1:00
You are in /Users/barry/code/GitHub/ren-c/make/
[1] 1 + 1
rebol says: 2
[2] \h now
NOW /year /month /day /time /zone /date /weekday /yearday /precise /utc
Returns current date and time with timezone adjustment.
NOW is a function .
Returns year only
Returns month only
Returns day of the month only
Returns time only
Returns time zone offset from UCT (GMT) only
Returns date only
Returns day of the week as integer (Monday is day 1)
Returns day of the year (Julian)
High precision time
Universal time (no zone)
[3] d
rebol says: 21-Apr-2017/15:08:22+1:00
[4] baz blah
[5] ;q
==== some notes ====
[2] is input-hook (\h)
[3] is a shortcut (d)
[4] is dialect-hook
[5] is input-hook (changing ";q" to "quit"... so can intercept comments)
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