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Created April 4, 2018 13:32
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Override extension type in ASDF
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""A simple example demonstrating how a compound model can be overridden"""
import sys
from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial1D
from astropy.modeling.core import _CompoundModel
import asdf
from asdf import CustomType
from asdf.extension import BuiltinExtension
from asdf.yamlutil import tagged_tree_to_custom_tree
class NewCompound:
def __init__(self, op1, op2):
self.op1 = op1
self.op2 = op2
class NewCompoundType(CustomType):
"""In practice this tag class would be extended to cover all compound
types, but this is just a simple example."""
name = 'transform/add'
version = '1.1.0'
types = [NewCompound]
def from_tree(cls, node, ctx):
forward = node['forward']
op1 = tagged_tree_to_custom_tree(forward[0], ctx)
op2 = tagged_tree_to_custom_tree(forward[1], ctx)
return NewCompound(op1, op2)
class NewExtension(BuiltinExtension):
"""We inherit from ASDF's BuiltinExtension here since NewCompoundType does
not require any new schemas. We simply use the schemas that are provided by
ASDF, and we override the type we care about."""
def types(self):
return [NewCompoundType]
def main():
p1 = Polynomial1D(degree=3)
p2 = Polynomial1D(degree=5)
compound = p1 + p2
tree = dict(p1=p1, p2=p2, compound=compound)
# Create the file without using the new extension
with asdf.AsdfFile(tree) as af:
# Open the file without using the new extension
with'compound.asdf') as old_af:
assert isinstance(old_af.tree['p1'], Polynomial1D)
assert isinstance(old_af.tree['p2'], Polynomial1D)
print("without extension:", old_af.tree['compound'])
assert isinstance(old_af.tree['compound'], _CompoundModel)
# Open the file using the new extension
with'compound.asdf', extensions=NewExtension()) as new_af:
# Make sure we didn't override the original Polynomial1D models
assert isinstance(new_af.tree['p1'], Polynomial1D)
assert isinstance(new_af.tree['p2'], Polynomial1D)
# Make sure we did actually override the compound model
print("with extension:", new_af.tree['compound'])
assert isinstance(new_af.tree['compound'], NewCompound)
assert isinstance(new_af.tree['compound'].op1, Polynomial1D)
assert isinstance(new_af.tree['compound'].op2, Polynomial1D)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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