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Last active April 25, 2020 02:31
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Born to win

“I applied for Harvard ten times, got rejected ten times, and I told myself that ‘Someday I should go teach there’ ” – Jack Ma, Founder and Executive Chairman of Alibaba Group.

As is known to all, Jack Ma is no doubt a successful man.

However, how much do you know behind this successful man?

He was ignored, laughed at, critisized, rejected, doubted but he never quit.

Actually, it is failure, rejection, fighting, resolve, hard work, agility and vision that makes him a successful man.

Everybody encounters failure but not everyone can carry on and make it through.

A man is born to win since he had won from billions of sperms.

Why not try to win in the society?

As many chicken soups we have had, we have developed immune systems to deal with these soups.

The inspiration is simply focusing on a target.

But the cruelty is that you due to this or that reason, quit or give up what you once determined to do.

That why most people are destined to be normal, mediocre.

Culture diversity: why do we need to know culture diversity?

Since in this world, there are more than 200 different countries, culture diversity is inevitable. Since in China, we have 56 different nations, culture diversity is inevitable. Since in Fujian province, we speak different languages and sometimes we can not even understand what they say, culture diversity is inevitable. Since in a family, different people have different opinions on the same thing and sometimes argue for agreement, culture diversity is inevitable. Since in your heart, you change your mind frequently and can not predict what you are going to do next, culture diversity is inevitable.

Benefit from culture diversity: Innovation

Although culture diversity has caused many conflicts and inconvenience in our daily lives, we still benefit a lot from the so called culture diversity.

Since the existence of culture diversity, we are allowed to be different and thus we have the opportunities to be create something different and something even challenge people's views.

Due to culture diversity, we are able to accept more and learn more different rather than stay in our comfort zone.

Diffusuion of Responsibility

In society, there is an insteresting sociophsycological phenomenon that a person is less likely to take responsibility for action or inaction when others are present.

The reason above is simply that the individual assumes that others are either are responsible for taking action or have already done so.

When applied to life, you can discover that in some cases, take perform duty in a class (eg, cleaning the room) for instance, if the task is assigned to more than one person and not arranged properly, one would have execute to be lazy and do less or none work. Because, the one would definitely think the work is in certain be done, if I do not do it, there is always someone to do it. So why should I do it?

It is undeniable that it makes sense in logic, but not acceptable in practise. Because everyone thinks the same way, there is no work can be done. Somehow, big enterprises will arrange work clearly and specificly which means your can't be lazy since the job is assigned directly to you and you will get punished if you failed to finished what you are supposed to do.

As you can see, there is indeed some psychological discoveries that can be applied to improve our effiency in life.

Psychologies that affects our studies

The Pygmalion Effect – Greater expectations drive greater performance

This psychological phenomenon is the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy:

if you believe something true of yourself, eventually it will be.

Thus, as a student, if your want to get a high performance, first set a higher target !

As a group leader, when you expect great things of your team, you may see improved performance in return.

The Paradox of Choice – The more choices we have, the less likely we are to be content with our decision

Supposing your are going to buy a computer and faced with many choice while you have limited budget.

After careful considering and comparing, you finally picked up the one that best matches to you.

However, there is a great chance that you may not be content with what you chose.

A wealth of choices makes finding contentment much harder.

Here is a simple solution that may help: give yourself fewer options.

The Spotlight Effect – Your mistakes are not noticed as much as you think

Have you ever made mistakes in public or during a speech?

If so, there is no need to worry about, for people do not take notice of you as much as you think.

Therefore, be brave enough to make mistakes and learn from them.

You are under the spotlight less often than you think.

You cannot completely eliminate the embarrassment you feel commit a fault, but it helps to know how much you are exaggerating its impact.

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