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Created July 14, 2020 18:24
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Creates an amplify subdomain with aws javascript sdk
const { to } = require("await-to-js");
const { Amplify } = require("aws-sdk");
const amplify = new Amplify();
const config = {
AMPLIFY_FRONTEND_BRANCH: "your_branch_env"
const createSubdomain = async (prefix) => {
const paramsGet = {
appId: config.AMPLIFY_FRONTEND_APP_ID, /* required */
domainName: config.AMPLIFY_FRONTEND_DOMAIN /* required */
const [errorGet, domainAssociation] = await to(amplify.getDomainAssociation(paramsGet).promise());
if (errorGet) return [errorGet.message];
const params = {
appId: config.AMPLIFY_FRONTEND_APP_ID, /* required */
domainName: config.AMPLIFY_FRONTEND_DOMAIN, /* required */
subDomainSettings: [ /* required */ => ({
branchName: config.AMPLIFY_FRONTEND_BRANCH, /* required */
prefix /* required */
return to(amplify.updateDomainAssociation(params).promise());
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": {
"Fn::Sub": "arn:aws:amplify:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:apps/${yourAmplifyFrontendAppIdParameter}/domains/${yourAmplifyFrontendDomainParameter}"
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Great solution but did the limit increase request actually work? I had raised a similar case some time back and they came back saying it's not possible to go beyond 50.

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I just have ask for increase limit, but now I saw that the limit is for domains, not about subdomains.

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