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Created October 20, 2019 08:16
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Decrypting Laravel's session cookie with JavaScript and Cloudflare
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
const string2buffer = string => {
let tempArray = new Uint8Array(string.length)
for(let i = string.length; i--) tempArray[i] = string.charCodeAt(i)
return tempArray.buffer
const buffer2string = buffer => {
let arr = new Uint8Array(buffer)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, arr);
const keyEncoded = 'LARAVEL_APP_KEY'
// Decrypt a Laravel cookie
async function decryptCookie(cookies) {
// Grab the encrypted cookie from the header
const matches = cookies.match(/laravel_session=([a-zA-Z0-9%=]+)/)
// URL decode it
const encrypted = decodeURIComponent(matches[1])
// Decode base64, then parse JSON
const encryptedParsed = JSON.parse(atob(encrypted))
// Decode our base64-encoded key from above
const keyDecoded = atob(keyEncoded)
// Create a key object
const key = await crypto.subtle.importKey("raw", string2buffer(keyDecoded), "AES-CBC", true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]);
// Finally decrypt the session id
const decrypted = await crypto.subtle.decrypt({ name: "AES-CBC", iv: string2buffer(atob(encryptedParsed.iv)) }, key, string2buffer(atob(encryptedParsed.value)));
// Convert buffer to plain text and return
return buffer2string(decrypted)
* Fetch and log a request
* @param {Request} request
async function handleRequest(request) {
const requestCookies = request.headers.get('cookie')
if (! requestCookies || (! requestCookies.includes(`laravel_session=`) && ! requestCookies.includes(`remember_web_`))) {
return new Response('Missing session ID', { status: 401 })
// There is a Laravel session cookie, let's decode it to get the session ID
if (requestCookies.includes(`laravel_session=`)) {
let sessionId = await decryptCookie(requestCookies)
// First check in cache, if cached - return from cache
const cached = await Sessions.get(sessionId)
if (cached) return new Response(cached, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } })
// Otherwise, send a request to the origin server
let response = await fetch(request)
const responseCookies = response.headers.get('cookie')
// If origin responded 200 and has a new session cookie
// Decode it and save the response
if (response.ok && responseCookies && responseCookies.includes(`laravel_session=`)) {
let sessionId = await decryptCookie(responseCookies)
Sessions.put(sessionId, response.body, {expiration_ttl: 86400 * 7})
return response
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dosesnt work.

line 7 show error: Unexpected token ')'

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@erikdemarco hmmm I'm using this on a live website, it works for me?

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tominal commented Sep 16, 2023

Works for me! Add a semi-colon on line 7 after the i-- to get it to work.

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