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Forked from anonymous/list-eligible-projects.scala
Last active December 15, 2015 16:19
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// projects for which the given user has a matching skill but is not a member.
def listEligibleProjects(userId: Int)(implicit session: Session): Seq[ProjectInfo] = {
val q = for {
p <- Projects if (! ( in {
for (pm <- ProjectMembers if pm.userId === userId) yield pm.projectId
}) && ( in {
for {
ps <- ProjectSkills
us <- UserSkills if us.skillId === ps.skillId && us.userId === userId
} yield ps.projectId
o <- p.owner
} yield ~ ~ p.created ~ ~ o.username
// generates SQL:
select x2."id", x2."name", x2."created", x3."id", x3."username"
from "projects" x2, "users" x3
where ((not (x2."id" in (select x4."project_id" from "project_members" x4 where x4."user_id" = 834)))
and (x2."id" in (
select x5.x6 from (
select x7."project_id" as x6, x7."skill_id" as x8 from "project_skills" x7) x5
inner join (select x9."user_id" as x10, x9."skill_id" as x11 from "skillsets" x9) x12
on (x5.x8 = x12.x11) and (x12.x10 = 834))))
and (x3."id" = x2."owner")
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