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Last active October 4, 2022 15:47
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HOWTO install `#uri` reader extension in Clojure/Script
; The Clojure compiler does not automatically require reader functions referred to in
; data_readers.clj/c, but the Clojurescript compiler does.
{user/uri #?(:clj contrib.uri/uri-clj-reader :cljs contrib.uri/uri-cljs-reader)}
(ns contrib.uri
(:require cognitect.transit
;#?(:cljs com.cognitect.transit)
;#?(:cljs com.cognitect.transit.types)
#?(:cljs goog.Uri)
[hyperfiddle.rcf :refer [tests]]))
; clojure.core/uri? builtin hardcodes and goog.Uri
; transit-java, transit-js – OOTB read as dummy URI type (concrete type is deferred to language impl per transit design)
; transit-clj, transit-cljs – OOTB read as dummy URI type!! they do not align to clojure.core/uri? ootb!
; tests disabled because once this extension ns is loaded, they no longer pass
; (and cljs will auto-load this ns due to data_loaders.cljc)
#?(:clj (tests
"document OOTB behavior"
(def jx ( "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c"))
(str jx) := "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c"
(pr-str jx) := "#object[ 0x5cbf50ff \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"]"
(uri? jx) := true
(= ( "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c")
( "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c")) := true
;(= #user/uri "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c" jx) := true -- compiler error
(= (read-string "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"") jx) :throws Exception)
:cljs (tests
"document goog.Uri OOTB behavior"
(def gx (goog.Uri. "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c"))
(str gx) := "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c" ; str repr
(pr-str gx) := "#object[Object http://localhost:8080/a?b#c]" ; needs edn extension
(uri? gx) := true
(= (goog.Uri. "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c")
(goog.Uri. "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c")) := false
;(= #user/uri "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c" jx) := true -- compiler error
(= (cljs.reader/read-string "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"") jx) :throws js/Error)))
; clojure code literals
; clojure runtime literals
; cljs code literals
; cljs runtime literals use EDN reader, because the js runtime is unsafe
; clojure.edn (clojure/script)
; tools.edn (clojure/script)
; We decline to implement the transit dummy URI types, see
(defn print-uri [o w]
{:pre [(uri? o)]}
(let [str-rep (cond
#?@(:clj ((instance? o) (str o))
:cljs ((instance? goog.Uri o) (str o))))]
(#?(:clj .write :cljs -write) w (str "#user/uri \"" str-rep "\""))))
; FAQ: The reader docs say that custom literals should be namespaced to avoid name collisions with
; core, why is `uri` unqualified here?
; A: we think this should be in core, in alignment with clojure.core/uri? being hardcoded to
; and goog.Uri, they are not userland types.
#?(:cljs (extend-type goog.Uri IPrintWithWriter (-pr-writer [o writer _] (print-uri o writer))))
#?(:clj (defmethod print-method [o ^ w] (print-uri o w)))
#?(:clj (defmethod print-dup [o ^ w] (print-uri o w)))
;#?(:clj (defmethod print-method com.cognitect.transit.URI [o ^ w] (print-uri o w)))
(def x #?(:clj ( "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c")
:cljs (goog.Uri. "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c")))
(str x) := "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c" ; unchanged
(pr-str x) := "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"")
; for data_readers.cljc
(defn uri-clj-reader [s] ( s))
(defn uri-cljs-reader [s] #?(:clj `(goog.Uri. ~s))) ; called from cljs compiler jvm
"#user/uri code literals are auto-wired from data_readers.cljc"
(def x #user/uri "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c")
(uri? x) := true
(str x) := "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c"
(pr-str x) := "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\""
"note goog.Uri is mutable, so no equality in cljs"
(= #user/uri "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c"
#user/uri "http://localhost:8080/a?b#c") := #?(:clj true :cljs false))
; Readers
"clj #user/uri runtime literal readers are auto-wired in clojure from data_readers.cljc"
#?@(:clj ((clojure.core/read-string "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"") := x))
"cljs #user/uri runtime literals are NOT auto-wired in cljs reader (the cljs JS runtime reader is always an
EDN reader for safety, unlike clj)"
#?@(:cljs ((cljs.reader/read-string "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"")
:throws js/Error ; No reader function for tag uri.
(contains? (set (keys @cljs.reader/*tag-table*)) 'inst) := true
(contains? (set (keys @cljs.reader/*tag-table*)) 'uri) := false)))
"control - clojure.edn"
#?@(:clj ((clojure.edn/read-string "1") := 1)
:cljs ((clojure.edn/read-string "1") := 1))
"edn readers don't auto-wire the unsafe code literals"
#?@(:clj ((clojure.edn/read-string "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"") :throws RuntimeException)
:cljs ((clojure.edn/read-string "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"") :throws js/Error)))
"#user/uri direct edn reader configuration - different for clj and cljs"
(def edn-read-str (partial clojure.edn/read-string {:readers {'user/uri #?(:clj #( %)
:cljs #(goog.Uri. %))}}))
(edn-read-str "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"")
(uri? *1) := true)
"cljs userland can globally register an EDN tag reader, but it's probably a bad idea"
#?@(:cljs ((cljs.reader/register-tag-parser! 'uri #(goog.Uri. %))
(clojure.edn/read-string "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"") := x))))
"clj userland can not globally register an EDN tag reader"
#?@(:clj ((clojure.edn/read-string "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"") :throws RuntimeException)))
; for easy portable config – optional
;(defn uri-edn-reader [s] #?(:clj ( s) :cljs (goog.Uri. s)))
; "#user/uri easy portable config – same for clj and cljs"
; (clojure.edn/read-string {:readers {'uri uri-edn-reader}} "#user/uri \"http://localhost:8080/a?b#c\"")
; (uri? *1) := true)
(ns user
; For rapid REPL startup, put absolute minimum of requires here: REPL conveniences only,
; which includes clojure reader extensions listed in data_readers.cljc.
(:require contrib.uri))
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dustingetz commented Oct 1, 2022


  • explain tools.edn vs clojure.edn and add tests for tools.edn
  • add transit read/write handlers for and goog.Uri, and tests

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borkdude I still would go with a qualified tag even if you don't own the type: this makes it possible for folks to find out where this comes from and won't override a hypothetical future built-in implementation (edited)
Dustin Getz if a builtin is provided this impl becomes superseded and should be removed
Dustin Getz this is also likely the exact impl that core would provide
borkdude The problem is that you can't easily undo overriding built-in tags if people have data_readers.cljc stuff on their classpath that override
Dustin Getz Ah so if this extension ends up bundled as a transitive dependency in some lib
borkdude Yes. So even if you wish to remove it, as you know, software isn't killed that easily
Dustin Getz thanks, good argument

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