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Last active February 1, 2017 13:11
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Test for a different implementation of psycopg executemany
import os
import time
import psycopg2
from psycopg2 import extensions as ext
def paginate(seq, page_size=100):
page = []
it = iter(seq)
while 1:
for i in xrange(page_size):
yield page
page = []
except StopIteration:
if page:
yield page
class ExManyCursor(ext.cursor):
def executemany2(self, sql, argslist, page_size=100):
for page in paginate(argslist, page_size=page_size):
sqls = []
for args in page:
sqls.append(self.mogrify(sql, args))
if __name__ == '__main__':
NRECS = 10000
cnn = psycopg2.connect(os.environ.get("TEST_DSN", ""))
cur = cnn.cursor(cursor_factory=ExManyCursor)
create table testmany (id serial primary key, num integer, data text)
t0 = time.time()
cur.executemany("insert into testmany (num, data) values (%s, %s)",
((i, "x" * (i % 200)) for i in xrange(NRECS)))
t1 = time.time()
print "classic: %s sec" % (t1 - t0)
cur.execute("select count(*) from testmany")
assert cur.fetchone()[0] == NRECS
create table testmany2 (id serial primary key, num integer, data text)
cur.executemany2("insert into testmany2 (num, data) values (%s, %s)",
((i, "x" * (i % 200)) for i in xrange(NRECS)))
t2 = time.time()
print "joined: %s sec" % (t2 - t1)
cur.execute("select count(*) from testmany2")
assert cur.fetchone()[0] == NRECS
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