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Last active September 15, 2015 08:41
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Discourse Notes

Getting Started with Discourse on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Software you need

The process

I will now explain how to get Discourse running on your local machine so you can begin contributing to the project.

Fork then clone the project. For e.g. Suppose you forked the project to then on your local machine you'd do:

$ cd
$ git clone

Now you'd need to set the upstream repository for submitting your pull requests.

$ cd ~/discourse
$ git add remote upstream

Finally, assuming you have VirtualBox and Vagrant set up correctly you can do the following to get Discourse running:

$ cd ~/discourse
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh

# Within the VM
> bundle install
> bundle exec rake db:migrate
> bundle exec rails s

Now you can navigate to https://localhost:4000 to see Discourse up and running.

Note: If you receive an error (It appears your machine doesn't support NFS, or there is not an adapter to enable NFS on this machine for Vagrant) related to NFS when running vagrant up you'd need to install nfs-kernel-server and nfs-common. The instruction to do that is sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common.


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