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Last active May 10, 2021 09:09
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Static/compile-time reflection with JSON serialisation. Uses
#include "Reflection.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace mks
struct Rect
int top;
int left;
int bottom;
int right;
enum class EdgeType
struct Edge
EdgeType type;
Rect rect;
struct Monitor
std::string os_name;
std::string hw_name;
Rect rect;
struct Machine
std::vector<Monitor> monitors;
std::vector<Edge> escape_edges;
int main()
mks::Machine machine;
json11::Json json = rfl::ToJson(machine);
rfl::JsonParseErrors errors;
rfl::FromJson(json, machine, errors);
#pragma once
// An exploratory static/compile-time reflection implementation for C++11.
// Supports: class/struct, enum, int, double, bool, std::string, std::vector.
// This implementation is here purely to find out how and why static reflection is popular and implies
// no endorsement of what follows.
// Any help to make this simpler gratefully received.
#include <json11/json11.hpp>
// Convert a compile-time string literal to a unique type
#define rflTypedString(str) rfl::TypedString<sizeof(str) - 1, \
rfl::prv::GetChar<0>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<1>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<2>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<3>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<4>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<5>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<6>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<7>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<8>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<9>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<10>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<11>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<12>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<13>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<14>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<15>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<16>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<17>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<18>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<19>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<20>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<21>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<22>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<23>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<24>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<25>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<26>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<27>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<28>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<29>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<30>(str), \
rfl::prv::GetChar<31>(str) \
#define rflClass(cls) \
template <> \
struct rfl::ClassReflector<cls> \
{ \
using Class = cls; \
using Name = rflTypedString(#cls); \
using FirstFieldNode = rfl::ListNode<
#define rflField(field) rfl::Field<Class, decltype(Class::field), &Class::field, rflTypedString(#field)>
#define rflEndClass() >; };
#define rflEnum(enm) \
template <> \
struct rfl::EnumReflector<enm> \
{ \
using Enum = enm; \
using Name = rflTypedString(#enm); \
using FirstEnumNode = rfl::ListNode <
#define rflEnumValue(value) rfl::EnumValue<Enum, rflTypedString(#value), Enum::value>
#define rflEndEnum() >; };
namespace rfl
// Compile-time typed string
template <std::size_t Size, char... C>
struct TypedString
static constexpr const std::size_t size = Size;
static constexpr const char string[sizeof...(C) + 1] = { C..., '\0' };
// Compile-time field description
template <typename ClassType, typename FieldType, FieldType ClassType::*FieldPtr, typename NameType>
struct Field
using Class = ClassType;
using Type = FieldType;
using Name = NameType;
static const Type& Get(const Class& object)
return object.*FieldPtr;
static Type& Get(Class& object)
return object.*FieldPtr;
// Compile-time enum value description
template <typename EnumType, typename NameType, EnumType Value>
struct EnumValue
using Type = EnumType;
using Name = NameType;
static const EnumType Value = Value;
// For quick string comparisons
static const uint32_t Hash = prv::HashString(Name::string, Name::size);
// A typed forward linked list
// Repeatedly split a type list into (i, i+1...N) pairs, recursively inheriting
// from the second half until there's nothing left; similar to Lisp's car/cdr.
template <typename... Types> struct ListNode;
template <typename First, typename... Rest>
struct ListNode<First, Rest...> : public ListNode<Rest...>
// Links within the list
using Item = First;
using Next = ListNode<Rest...>;
template <> struct ListNode<>
// Reflectors for all classes in the system
template <typename Class> struct ClassReflector
// Reflectors for all enums in the system
template <typename Enum> struct EnumReflector
// Convert basic type values to JSON
inline json11::Json ToJson(double value) { return json11::Json(value); }
inline json11::Json ToJson(int value) { return json11::Json(value); }
inline json11::Json ToJson(bool value) { return json11::Json(value); }
inline json11::Json ToJson(const char* value) { return json11::Json(value); }
inline json11::Json ToJson(const std::string& value) { return json11::Json(value); }
// Convert class objects to JSON
template <typename Class,
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_enum<Class>::value, int >::type* = nullptr>
json11::Json ToJson(const Class& object)
// Package everything into a map so that it can be returned as a json object
std::map<std::string, json11::Json> map;
// Kick-off linked list traversal
using FieldNode = typename ClassReflector<Class>::FirstFieldNode;
prv::AddJsonField<FieldNode>::Do(object, map);
return map;
// Convert enum class values to JSON
template <typename Class,
typename std::enable_if< std::is_enum<Class>::value, int >::type* = nullptr>
json11::Json ToJson(const Class& object)
// find the object value in the enum list and emit as string
using EnumValueNode = typename EnumReflector<Class>::FirstEnumNode;
return prv::EnumValueToString<EnumValueNode>::Do(object);
// Convert std::vector containers to JSON
template <typename Type>
json11::Json ToJson(const std::vector<Type>& array)
std::vector<json11::Json> json_array;
for (auto&& item : array)
return json_array;
struct JsonParseException
JsonParseException(const char* error)
: error(error)
const char* error;
// Parser tries to read as much as possible in the presence of unexpected data
typedef std::vector<std::string> JsonParseErrors;
#define PARSE_ASSIGN(condition, value_type, error) \
if (json.condition()) \
value = json.value_type(); \
else \
// Convert basic type values from JSON
inline void FromJson(const json11::Json& json, double& value, JsonParseErrors& errors)
PARSE_ASSIGN(is_number, number_value, "Expecting number for double value");
inline void FromJson(const json11::Json& json, int& value, JsonParseErrors& errors)
PARSE_ASSIGN(is_number, int_value, "Expecting number for int value");
inline void FromJson(const json11::Json& json, bool& value, JsonParseErrors& errors)
PARSE_ASSIGN(is_bool, bool_value, "Expecting bool");
inline void FromJson(const json11::Json& json, std::string& value, JsonParseErrors& errors)
PARSE_ASSIGN(is_string, string_value, "Expecting string");
template <typename Class,
typename std::enable_if< !std::is_enum<Class>::value, int >::type* = nullptr>
void FromJson(const json11::Json& json, Class& object, JsonParseErrors& errors)
// Need an object for classes
if (!json.is_object())
errors.push_back("Expecting object for class value");
// Match class fields to json object entries
using FieldNode = typename ClassReflector<Class>::FirstFieldNode;
prv::GetFieldJson<FieldNode>::Do(object, json.object_items(), errors);
template <typename Class,
typename std::enable_if< std::is_enum<Class>::value, int >::type* = nullptr>
void FromJson(const json11::Json& json, Class& object, JsonParseErrors& errors)
// Enums can only be stored as strings
if (!json.is_string())
errors.push_back("Expecting string for enum value");
// Hash the enum name being looked up
const std::string& name = json.string_value();
uint32_t hash = prv::HashString(name.c_str(), name.size());
// Search all possible enums for a matching hash
using EnumValueNode = typename EnumReflector<Class>::FirstEnumNode;
using EnumType = typename EnumValueNode::Item::Type;
prv::EnumValueLookupResult<EnumType> result = prv::HashToEnumValue<EnumValueNode>::Do<EnumType>(hash);
// Apply the result
if (result.found)
object = result.value;
errors.push_back("Couldn't find enum value matching " + name);
template <typename Type>
void FromJson(const json11::Json& json, std::vector<Type>& array, JsonParseErrors& errors)
// Expecting an array for vectors
if (!json.is_array())
errors.push_back("Expecting array for std::vector value");
// Convert each item in the JSON array
const std::vector<json11::Json>& json_array = json.array_items();
for (const json11::Json& item_json : json_array)
Type item;
FromJson(item_json, item, errors);
namespace prv
// Get a character from a string-literatal or null terminator on overflow
template <int N, int M>
constexpr char GetChar(char const(&c)[M])
static_assert(M > 0, "Zero-size strings not allowed");
static_assert(M <= 32, "String too long");
return N < M ? c[N] : 0;
// FNV-1a 32-bit compile-time string hash
// NOTE: Converting multiply to 64-bit to silence warning C4307: '*': integral constant overflow
inline constexpr uint32_t HashString(const char* string, std::size_t pos)
return ((pos ? HashString(string, pos - 1) : 0x811C9DC5) ^ string[pos]) * 0x01000193ull;
template <typename CurrentFieldNode>
struct AddJsonField
template <typename Class>
static void Do(const Class& object, std::map<std::string, json11::Json>& map)
// Add current field
using Field = CurrentFieldNode::Item;
map[Field::Name::string] = ToJson(Field::Get(object));
// Chain to next node in the list
using NextFieldNode = typename CurrentFieldNode::Next;
AddJsonField<NextFieldNode>::Do(object, map);
// Terminate AddJsonField iteration
template <>
struct AddJsonField<ListNode<>>
template <typename Class>
static void Do(const Class&, const std::map<std::string, json11::Json>&)
template <typename CurrentFieldNode>
struct GetFieldJson
template <typename Class>
static void Do(Class& object, const std::map<std::string, json11::Json>& map, JsonParseErrors& errors)
// Lookup current field in the json map
using Field = CurrentFieldNode::Item;
auto i = map.find(Field::Name::string);
if (i != map.end())
// Copy the json object if it's there
const json11::Json& json = i->second;
FromJson(json, Field::Get(object), errors);
// Chain to next node in the list
using NextFieldNode = typename CurrentFieldNode::Next;
GetFieldJson<NextFieldNode>::Do(object, map, errors);
// Terminate GetFieldJson iteration
template <>
struct GetFieldJson<ListNode<>>
template <typename Class>
static void Do(Class&, const std::map<std::string, json11::Json>&, JsonParseErrors&)
// Convert an enumeration value to string literal
template <typename CurrentEnumNode>
struct EnumValueToString
template <typename EnumValueType>
static constexpr const char* Do(EnumValueType value)
// Check for equality or chain to next node in the list
using EnumValue = CurrentEnumNode::Item;
return EnumValue::Value == value ? EnumValue::Name::string : EnumValueToString<CurrentEnumNode::Next>::Do(value);
// Terminate EnumValueToString iteration
template <>
struct EnumValueToString<ListNode<>>
template <typename EnumValueType>
static constexpr const char* Do(EnumValueType)
// TODO: Return nullptr and some errors
return "None";
// Prevents the need to have a default None return value in each enum that's reflected while working
// within the statement limits of C++11 constexpr
template <typename EnumValueType>
struct EnumValueLookupResult
: found(false)
EnumValueLookupResult(EnumValueType value)
: value(value)
, found(true)
EnumValueType value;
bool found;
// Map a hash value to an enum value
template <typename CurrentEnumNode>
struct HashToEnumValue
template <typename EnumValueType>
static constexpr EnumValueLookupResult<EnumValueType> Do(uint32_t hash)
// Uses exact comparison of hash integers to lookup a matching enum value with no confirming string compare
// This will fail in the presence of hash integer collisions within the enum class itself
// Collisions with other system-wide hash integers will not matter
using EnumValue = CurrentEnumNode::Item;
using Result = EnumValueLookupResult<EnumValueType>;
return EnumValue::Hash == hash ? Result(EnumValue::Value) : HashToEnumValue<CurrentEnumNode::Next>::Do<EnumValueType>(hash);
// Terminate HashToEnumValue iteration
template <>
struct HashToEnumValue<ListNode<>>
template <typename EnumValueType>
static constexpr EnumValueLookupResult<EnumValueType> Do(uint32_t)
return EnumValueLookupResult<EnumValueType>();
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