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Created November 16, 2022 20:42
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class FutureWaitQueue:
"""Wait for futures without making an infinite list.
Any exceptions are ignored at put() time, except for timeout errors, which are raised.
The last exception raised is raised at wait() time
def __init__(self, maxsize, timeout, err_on_timeout=concurrent.futures.TimeoutError):
"""Construct a future wait queue.
:param maxsize: maximum number of entries before waiting is forced
:param timeout: if a single entry takes this long, raise an exception
:param err_on_timeout: exception to raise on timeout
self.maxsize = maxsize
self.timeout = timeout
self.last_ex = None
self.err_on_timeout = err_on_timeout
self.q: Set[Future] = set()
def __wait_one(self):
done, not_done = concurrent.futures.wait(
self.q, return_when=concurrent.futures.FIRST_COMPLETED, timeout=self.timeout
self.q = not_done
if not done:
raise self.err_on_timeout
for ent in done:
except Exception as ex:
self.last_ex = ex
def put(self, fut: Optional[Future]):
"""Add a future to the wait queue, if the queue is full, wait for one to complete first."""
if fut:
if len(self.q) >= self.maxsize:
def wait(self):
"""Wait for everything in the queue."""
for ent in self.q:
except Exception as ex:
if isinstance(ex, concurrent.futures.TimeoutError):
raise self.err_on_timeout
self.last_ex = ex
if self.last_ex:
raise self.last_ex
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