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Forked from jeaye/.gitconfig
Last active August 31, 2020 10:56
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name = jeaye
email = <redacted>
all = true
ui = true
branch = auto
diff = auto
status = auto
[color "branch"]
current = yellow reverse
local = yellow
remote = green
[color "diff"]
meta = yellow bold
frag = magenta bold
old = red bold
new = green bold
[color "status"]
added = green
changed = red
untracked = yellow
po = push origin
pu = push upstream
c = commit
cp = cherry-pick
ch = checkout
st = status --column -sb
sup = submodule update --recursive --init
d = difftool --ignore-submodules
di = difftool --tool=vim_ignore_whitespace -w --ignore-submodules
ds = difftool --stat --ignore-submodules
ll = log --pretty=oneline --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --topo-order
dp = difftool --tool=patch --ignore-submodules --minimal -w
clr = clone --recursive
find = log --pickaxe-all -S
fpull = "!f(){ git pull \"$1\" \"$2\" && git fat pull; };f"
fpush = "!f(){ git push \"$1\" \"$2\" && git fat push; };f"
reset-time = "!f(){ touch -camft $(git log --date=iso --pretty=format:%cd -1 HEAD -- \"$1\" | sed 's/-//g;s/ //;s/://;s/:/./' | cut -d' ' -f1) \"$1\"; };f"
deploy = push heroku
keepBackup = false
tool = custom_merge
renamelimit = 100000
[mergetool "custom_merge"]
cmd = p4merge "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$MERGED"
keepTemporaries = false
trustExitCode = false
keepBackup = false
private = yes
browse = no
gpgsign = true
# showPatch = 1
log = less
show = less -R
diff = less -R
autocorrect = 1
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