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Last active May 8, 2020 14:45
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  • Save eduard93/32d6525cc2ff4ea3ad9ab4a1d052fd85 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Dataframe in ObjectScript manipulation
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Export generator="IRIS" version="26" zv="IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2019.4.0ML (Build 147U)" ts="2020-05-08 17:43:53">
<Class name="test.person">
<Property name="Name">
<Property name="City">
<Property name="Phone">
<Storage name="Default">
<Data name="personDefaultData">
<Value name="1">
<Value name="2">
<Value name="3">
<Value name="4">
<Class name="test.process">
<Property name="PythonOperation">
<Parameter name="MAXLEN" value="128"/>
<Parameter name="SETTINGS">
<XData name="BPL">
BPL Definition</Description>
<process language='objectscript' request='Ens.Request' response='Ens.Response' >
<sequence >
<assign name="Kill Extent" property="status" value="##class(test.person).%KillExtent()"/>
<call name='Import' target='@..%Process.PythonOperation' async='1' >
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
<request type='' >
<assign property="callrequest.Code" value='process.GetAnnotation("Import")' action="set" />
<response type='' />
<sync name='Wait for Import' calls='Import' type='all'/>
<call name='Generate Data' target='@..%Process.PythonOperation' async='1' >
data = [ ["Joe", "Boston", "7-234-4567"], ["Ron", "Dallas", "7-234-5678"]]
columns = ["Name", "City", "Phone"]
df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(data), columns=columns)
<request type='' >
<assign property="callrequest.Code" value='process.GetAnnotation("Generate Data")' action="set" />
<response type='' />
<sync name='Wait for Generate Data' calls='Generate Data' type='all' />
<call name='Create Custom Query' target='@..%Process.PythonOperation' async='1' >
<annotation>Need to run only once</annotation>
<request type='' >
<assign property="callrequest.Variable" value='"df"' action="set" />
<assign property="callrequest.Classname" value='"test.df"' action="set" />
<response type='Ens.Response'/>
<sync name='Wait for Create Custom Query' calls='Create Custom Query' type='all' />
<call name='Insert' target='@..%Process.PythonOperation' async='1' disabled="true" >
INSERT INTO test.person (Name, City, Phone)
SELECT Name, City, Phone
FROM test.df('df')
<request type='' >
<assign property="callrequest.Query" value='process.GetAnnotation("Insert")' action="set" />
<response type='Ens.Response'/>
<sync name='Wait for Insert' calls='Insert' type='all' />
<call name='Insert List' target='@..%Process.PythonOperation' async='1' >
INSERT INTO test.person (Name, City, Phone)
SELECT $list(Columns, 1), $list(Columns, 2), $list(Columns, 3)
FROM isc_py_query.List('df')
<request type='' >
<assign property="callrequest.Query" value='process.GetAnnotation("Insert List")' action="set" />
<response type='Ens.Response'/>
<sync name='Wait for Insert List' calls='Insert List' type='all' />
<call name='Insert Args' target='@..%Process.PythonOperation' async='1' >
INSERT INTO test.person (Name, City, Phone)
VALUES (?, ?, ?)
<request type='' >
<assign property="callrequest.Query" value='process.GetAnnotation("Insert Args")' action="set" />
<assign property="callrequest.Args" value='"Ed"' action="append" />
<assign property="callrequest.Args" value='"Moscow"' action="append" />
<assign property="callrequest.Args" value='"123456"' action="append" />
<response type='Ens.Response'/>
<sync name='Wait for Insert Args' calls='Insert Args' type='all' />
<call name='Random Phone' target='@..%Process.PythonOperation' async='1' >
df['Phone'] = df['Phone'].apply(lambda v: random.randint(1, 1000))
<request type='' >
<assign property="callrequest.Code" value='process.GetAnnotation("Random Phone")' action="set" />
<response type='' />
<sync name='Wait for Random Phone' calls='Random Phone' type='all' />
<call name='Update' target='@..%Process.PythonOperation' async='1' disabled="true" >
UPDATE test.person p
SET p.City=obj.City, p.Phone=obj.Phone
FROM (SELECT Name, City, Phone FROM test.df('df')) obj
WHERE p.Name=obj.Name
<request type='' >
<assign property="callrequest.Query" value='process.GetAnnotation("Update")' action="set" />
<response type='Ens.Response'/>
<sync name='Wait for Update' calls='Update' type='all' />
<XData name="Empty">
<call name='' target='@..%Process.PythonOperation' async='1' >
<request type='' >
<assign property="callrequest.Code" value='process.GetAnnotation("")' action="set" />
<response type='' />
<sync name='Wait for ' calls='' type='all' />
<Storage name="Default">
<Data name="processDefaultData">
<Value name="1">
<Value name="2">
<Value name="3">
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