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Last active July 6, 2022 17:50
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vim to neovim migration helper
-- 1) Copy this file anywhere,
-- 2) Paste your options in "opts"
-- 3) Source it with :source %
-- If you get "unknown option" then remove it from opts and put it in "globals"
-- checkopts() checks for values that already are defaults. Remove this function when you're done
-- checkglobals() the same but for globals
-- Here's some examples:
local opts = {
ai = true, -- Auto indent
autoindent = true, -- Auto indent
autoread = true, -- Detect changes
background = "dark", -- Dark
backspace = "indent,eol,start", -- fix: backspace past start of operation
cmdheight = 1, -- Height of the command bar
encoding = "utf-8", -- Encoding (needed in youcompleteme)
expandtab = true, -- Tabs are spaces, not tabs
ff = "unix", -- Use Unix as the standard file type
ffs = "unix,dos,mac", -- This gives the end-of-line (<EOL>) formats that will be tried
fileencoding = "utf-8", -- The encoding written to file.
formatoptions = "tcqj", -- Format options, each letter means something
gdefault = true, -- Add g (global) to substitute operations, :s/pattern/replacement/
hidden = true, -- Allow buffer switching without saving
history = 10000, -- Sets how many lines of history VIM has to remember
hlsearch = true, -- Highlight search results
ignorecase = true, -- Ignore case when searching
incsearch = true, -- Makes search act like search in modern browsers
lazyredraw = true, -- Don't redraw while executing macros (good performance config)
linespace = 0, -- No extra spaces between rows
magic = true, -- For regular expressions turn magic on
mat = 2, -- How many tenths of a second to blink when matching brackets
maxmempattern = 1000000, -- Max memory for syntax in Kb
mouse = "a", -- Mouse support in all modes
number = true, -- Line numbers on
redrawtime = 5000, -- After this milliseconds, stop processing syntax
relativenumber = true, -- Use relative numbers instead of absolute
ruler = true, -- Always show current position
shiftwidth = 4, -- Use indents of x spaces
showcmd = true, -- Show command in status bar
showmatch = true, -- Show matching brackets/parenthesis
si = true, -- Smart indent
signcolumn = "yes", -- Fixed space on the left for git and linting signs, otherwise it 'jumps'
smartcase = true, -- When searching try to be smart about cases
so = 5, -- Set 7 lines to the cursor - when moving vertically using j/k
softtabstop = 2, -- Let backspace delete indent
splitbelow = true, -- Open split below
splitright = true, -- Open split right
switchbuf = "useopen,usetab", -- Specify the behavior when switching between buffers
syntax = "enable", -- Turn on syntax
tabstop = 2, -- An indentation every x columns
undofile = true,
viewoptions = "folds,options,cursor,unix,slash", -- Better Unix / Windows compatibility
virtualedit = "block", -- If you need to define a block in visual block mode with bounds outside the actual text (that is, past the end of lines), you can allow this with:
whichwrap = "b,s,h,l,<,>,[,]", -- Backspace and cursor keys wrap too
wrap = false, -- Don't wrap long lines
local globals = {
colorscheme = "desert",
local function checkopts()
print("Options that you can discard because they're default:")
for k, v in pairs(opts) do
if vim.opt[k]:get() == v then
print(k, v)
local function checkglobals()
print("globals that you can discard because they're default:")
for k, v in pairs(globals) do
if vim.g[k] == v then
print(k, v)
-- set options
for k, v in pairs(opts) do
-- the same as vim.opt.youroption = yourvalue
vim.opt[k] = v
-- set globals
for k, v in pairs(globals) do
-- the same as vim.g.youroption = yourvalue
vim.g[k] = v
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