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Created July 12, 2020 02:03
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val androidModule = module {
single<Auth> {
AuthManager(context = androidContext())
single<PlaylistHttpApi> {
// Needs the YouTube wrapper class
factory {
// AccountManager saves a GoogleSignInAccount using the application context
val accountManager = get<Auth>()
GoogleAccountCredential.usingOAuth2(androidContext(), SCOPES)
.apply {
backOff = ExponentialBackOff()
// This is null when the user is not logged in
// but needs to be the email after he logs in
selectedAccountName = accountManager.getUserAccount()?.email
factory {
// I need the google credentials before instantiating
// the YouTube wrapper class
val credentials = get<GoogleAccountCredential>()
val transport = AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport()
val jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance()
YouTube.Builder(transport, jsonFactory, credentials)
class AuthManager(context: Context) : Auth {
private val appContext = context.applicationContext
private val googleSignInClient: GoogleSignInClient by lazy {
val gso = GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)
GoogleSignIn.getClient(context, gso)
override fun getUserAccount(): GoogleAccount? {
val account = getAccount()
// id and email will not be null due to GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN
// and requestEmail() being setup
return account?.let {
GoogleAccount(!!,!!, it.displayName!!, it.photoUrl?.toString())
override fun getSignInIntent(): Intent = googleSignInClient.signInIntent
override fun signOut(callback: () -> Unit) {
googleSignInClient.signOut()?.addOnCompleteListener {
fun getAccount() = GoogleSignIn.getLastSignedInAccount(appContext)
class YoutubePlaylistApi : PlaylistHttpApi, KoinComponent {
// I solved it by doing this, but I believe this will make it harder
// to test and will lead to more headaches is the future
private val youtube: YouTube
get() = getKoin().get()
override suspend fun getLikedVideos(): RequestState<List<PlaylistItem>> = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
return@withContext try {
val likedVideosId = retrieveLikedVideosId()
val result = youtube.playlistItems()
.apply {
maxResults = 25
playlistId = likedVideosId
val playlistItems = { PlaylistItem.fromJson(it) }
} catch (e: Exception) {
private suspend fun retrieveLikedVideosId(): String = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val result = youtube.channels()
.apply {
mine = true
val channel = result.items.firstOrNull()
return@withContext channel?.let {
} ?: throw Exception("Couldn't retrieve channel information")
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