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Created April 13, 2017 23:32
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Mastodon is a social platform on which folks "toot" back and forth, similar to
that famous microblog host with a bird logo. But Mastodon allows customization
by all who can author programs.
And computational wizards who build custom Mastodon parts stay surprising.
Mous* R**v* has a day job writing programs for Int*rn*t Archiv*, built a
Mastodon thing known as with a singular big law: Nobody may to
print that most common symbol in today's writing, or "any variant of it, that
is found in Latin script."
R**v* told of gaining inspiration from "A Void" by G*org*s P*r*ca. This
lipogrammatic book shows all its ABCs, barring that common symbol. It follows
a Fr*nch philosophy you call Oulipo, or a form of writing that combining maths
and book writing.
Banning of this symbol is a famous constraint of Oulipo's: "It
limits writing without making it too hard," R**v* said. "You can still
sound natural and say what you want to say, though you may think on it a bit
in a way that you wouldn't without constraints." Such limitations push folks to
think hard and originally about words to say.
Its author didn't think would gain popularity — this got going
as a way to display Ruby on Rails skills and work on making programs go — but has upwards of 100 accounts in its six days running so far.
"It's a joy to watch folks do things I wouldn't think of—#drilipo, and
applying oulipo constraints to famous writing and songs—and just chat about
day to day stuff," R**v* said. "It's also gratifying that folks will look at and go on to think up constraints or gimmicks for additional
variant Mastodons."
R**v* got back to my mail quickly, with almost 300 words and no display of the
taboo symbol. I sought to do this manuscript within such limits, but quit too
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